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Quota System in Medical Colleges Has Been Challenged in High Court

Breaking News-50, 50 Formula For Admission in Medical Colleges Has Been Challenged in High Court
Two girl students of F.Sc Pre Medical have challenged the 50, 50 formula for admission in medical and dental colleges in Lahore High Court. Sadia and Asma Javaid blamed UHS that UHS advertised admission in medical and dental colleges on open merit but when students submitted the form UHS introduced 50, 50 quota system in spite of open merit policy without any prior intimation to students, They argued that quota system policy is discriminatory towards female and is against basic human rights and constitution of Pakistan. Although UHS made this policy on 4th February 2014 but it was implemented five days before the last date of admission on 18th September, 2014.

Honorable Judge of Lahore High Court Justice Ayesha A Malik heard the petition and notices have been issued to Secretary health Punjab, University of Health and Sciences and Pakistan Medical and Dental Association for presenting their point of view before court. In fact PMDC introduced this policy not UHS. Now court will decide either the quota system will be implemented or not. Students who have objection can also become party in this case. You can read the details about “Quota system in medical colleges has been challenged in High Court” in Urdu in the newspaper ad cutting below this post. Visit us regularly for latest educational news alerts.

Quota System in Medical Colleges Has Been Challenged in High Court.


Quota System in Medical Colleges Has Been Challenged in High Court.

Urdu Column About PMDC Decision of 50, 50 % Quota System in Medical Colleges

3 thoughts on “Quota System in Medical Colleges Has Been Challenged in High Court”

  1. its v v wrong.ita against the law which provide equal rights to both girls and boys…its truly based on merit….who work should b given to him….moreover,its nt solution,pmdc shold bound girls that if they leave.they would pay the uni more than 50 lakh….but quota system is wrong…..

    • boyS alsO worK hard,,,,,! riGHT should ALso be givEn tO thEm 😛 …..! thEy R noT leSs thn grls in COmpEtiTioN >>>! justiCe ixX thAt bOth boyS n gIrlS shOUld be gIVen 50 50 % sEAts 😛 ,,ok ??

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