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Result of Pakistan’s 6th Population Census 2017 in Urdu & English

Results of 6th Pakistan Population Census 2017

Complete result and stats of Pakistan’s 6th population census 2017 has been arrived. According to the current stats and figures, total population of this Punjab province is 11 crore, KPK population is 3 crore 5 lakh, Balochistan has 1 crore 23 lakh population, Sindh has 4 crore 78 lakh population, FATA has 50 lakh population and Islamabad has 20 lakh population. It has been estimated around that in the time span of 19 years, the population of Pakistan gets increased with the amount of 57%. More according to this Pakistan’s 6th population census, there is a population of 10 thousand transgenders, men population is around 10 crore 64 lakh and women population is about 10 crore 13 lakh in the provinces of Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan, KPK.

Result of Pakistan’s 6th Population Census 2017
Result of Pakistan’s 6th population census 2017 has been published out that was undertaken just a couple of days back. Since the year 1998 and now in 2017, almost 2.4% of the population has been increased with the range of about 20 crore 77 lakh 74 thousand and 520 in numbers. This population census was done by the department of Population Census. According to the survey report, in the past 19 years the number of men have been increased on the peak level.
In this report it has been figured out that the men population is about 10 crore 64 lakh and 50 thousand and women figure of population is about 10 crore 13 lakh 15 thousand. Trans gender population is 10 thousand and 448. In the provinces of Punjab and Sindh, the percentage of population has been increased on slight manner.

Result of Pakistan's 6th Population Census 2017 in Urdu

Transgenders Population and Other Details According to Pakistan’s 6th Population Census

  • For the very first time, the category of these trans genders have also made the part of Pakistan census report 2017. According to this report, the population of trans genders is about 10418. The greater percentage of trans gender population is found in Punjab that is about 7 thousand and Fata has 27 trans genders only.
  • According to population wise, Punjab is the biggest province with respect to population point of view. It has the population of 11 crore in which the rural population is 7 crore and urban population is about 4 crore
  • Then Sindh is the second biggest province according to population aspect. Most of people from Sindh province live and reside in urban areas of Sindh province.
  • 20 lakh number of registered Afghans are living in Pakistan. Among them, 10 lakh of Afghans have received the nationality of Pakistan and some of them have went abroad and to other countries.
  • So far in this consensus, stats and figures of Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistant is yet to be added.

So, this was the end of the details about this Pakistan’s 6th Population Census 2017. Now let’s see that until the next population censes, will the population be under control gy government of Pakistan or not. Don’t you think such a huge population percentage is a sign of danger for the Pakistan development?

Result of Pakistan’s 6th Population Census 2017 in Urdu & English

Results of 6th Pakistan Population Census 2017