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Role of Cloud Computing & Cloud Technology in Higher Education (Urdu-English)

All About Role of Cloud Computing & Cloud Technology in Promotion of Higher Education
It is because of the emergence of digital technology that the role of cloud computing as well as cloud technology is getting popular in the world of higher education. Do you know about these concepts, we will give you an introduction about them.

What is Cloud Computing?
For the information, this cloud computing is kind of shared pools when it comes to the configurable and synchronized in form computer system resources and too higher-level services. These high level services can be provisioned and implemented with the use of minimum and less management effort. The concept of this cloud computing, it is basically and simply relied on the sharing of all kinds of resources so that coherence and too economies of scale can be targeted and achieved at the same time.

With the introduction of this cloud computing, we are now in a position to use and practically implement the usage of network and system of remote servers. You can call this concept as on-demand delivery of database storage and also for applications and for the rest of the IT resources.

What is Public Cloud?
This concept is referred and termed as computing services which are offered and delivered by the third-party providers right over on the platform of public Internet. These computing services are sold on demand or they are also available free of cost. Customers only have to pay for these services on their usage basis. Like depending on the bandwidth they are going to consume, it is on this factor that you will pay for this service. This public cloud and these computing services, they are usually made by Google, Amazon.



Advantages of Cloud Computing
The advantages of cloud computing and cloud technology are many in their number. This technology is quite of less cost nature. From the capital expenditure point of view, the services of this technology are free.

It is available for 24 hours, do you know that a large number of the cloud providers, they offer their services by maintaining an uptime range of of 99.9%.

This cloud computing can be worked from anywhere right across the globe, you only need to have an internet connection and this technology can work for you. It happens in this technology that the server suppliers are going to regularly update the software. It offers a great amount of security when we talk about the protection of sensitive data.

Personal Cloud
This personal cloud is a jam packed collection of all types of digital content which can be accessed from any of the devices. In Pakistan, many of the software engineers have made educational apps by making use of this personal cloud. To make this personal cloud, Open Stack or microsoft system centers are used.

No doubt that the future of cloud computing and cloud technology is quite bright. As the telecom sector is making progress and we have seen the launching of 3G, 4G and in the near time, we will also see the arrival of 5G.

Role of Cloud Computing & Cloud Technology in Higher Education (Urdu-English)


Role of Cloud Computing & Cloud Technology in Higher Education (Urdu-English)