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Role of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation & BRICS Bank in Uni Polar World

Current Affairs – Role of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) & BRICS Bank in Multi Polar World
Today in our current affairs article we shall discuss the role of SCO and BRICS bank on the uni polar world.  Now its seems that USA is losing its grips on world affairs. Russia and China have joined hands to face the new world order of USA. Both these countries are committed to change the uni polar world into a multi polar world. Although they are have not announced their anti US new world order but critics can easily see their hidden plan. First they are increasing their allies. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is the future is turning into a strong political block.

China,Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Russia, Tajikstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and India have joined SCO. Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mangolia are the observer members of S.C.O. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey are its dialogue partners. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASIAN) and Turkmenistan have attended its meetings as guests. This shows that a new rival of European Union and USA is in initial stage.

Current Affairs

Role of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation & BRICS Bank in Uni Polar World

BRICS is a alternative of world bank and IMF. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are its founder members. Pakistan has got the status of observer in BRICS bank. World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) had become the US-dominated financial institutions. Many countries are willing to get rid of IMF and World Bank.

Will you believe that India is agent of Western countries in BRICS bank and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Already In history India played a role of double agent in Non-Aligned Movement. India took the benefits both from Russia and USA, Now again India at one side India has become a strong alley of USA and on the other side it has joined BRICS and SCA, Although Russia and China know this fact but just for the sake of increasing the power of these organizations they have made it the member of BRICS and S.C.O. We hope that soon either India will change its dual policy or it will be thrown out from BRICS bank and SCO.

There are chances that in new future SCO block will play a vital role in the world politics. We have already informed you that European Union is going to fall and the role of EU in the economic crisis of Greece has proved our prediction right. Now SCO will take the place of EU in future and yes there are chances that it may turn into a military alliance too in future, Now UNO will also have to play a just role in the world disputes as this block will resist any unjust decision by UNSC. Four atomic powers are the members of SCO, while more than half of the world population live in its member states. In fact SCO and BRICS bank is the wake up call for United States of America (USA). If USA want to play an important role in the world affairs then it will have to change its policies due to which SCO countries are annoyed with it. Visit us daily for reading reviews on current affairs and international politics.

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