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Scope of BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan, Subjects, Jobs, Salary, Tips, Universities, Fee

Career Scope of BS Digital Marketing Degree Program in Pakistan
Digital marketing is exploding in Pakistan! It’s a great way to explore the online world. Companies now focus on reaching their target audience using different online methods. A Bachelor of Science degree programme in Digital Marketing teaches the fundamentals, such as website creation, content marketing, email marketing, S.E.O, social media marketing and analytics.



You’ll learn how to create content that attracts customers and increases visibility. You’ll also understand how to analyze market trends and customer behavior. This degree program emphasizes the local market dynamics in Pakistan. Students learn about Pakistani consumers, their language and popular social media.



Job prospects look good with a BS Digital Marketing. E-commerce, advertising agencies and PR firms need professionals to boost their online presence and promote their products/services. Roles include digital marketers, SEO specialists, social media managers and digital analysts.


Digital Marketing

Table of Contents

Scope of BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan, Subjects, Jobs, Salary, Tips, Universities, Fee


But it is not all easy. Technology in the digital world is changing on regular basis, so you need to stay up to date with the latest market trends techniques, methods, tricks, software & tools for remaining in in the ever growing market of social media and digital marketing. Moreover there is also a great competition in this market. To stay ahead from your competitors you need passion for continuous learning & creativity.



What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing refers to any marketing activity that involves electronic devices or the internet. It involves promoting products, services or brands through digital channels for example social media, search engines, email & websites. In simple words we can say that digital marketing is the use of digital mediums to connect with potential customers & increase revenue.



What is the scope of BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan?

BS Digital Marketing has a vast scope in Pakistan as the digital world is rapidly expanding. Companies are striving to establish their online presence & digital marketing is a crucial element to achieve this objective. The demand for digital marketing experts is high & the scope is expected to continue growing in the near future.



BS Digital Marketing Subjects

Here is the list of subjects taught in BS Digital Marketing in Pakistani universities;

Principles of Management, Economics, Personal Skills Development, Principles of Marketing, Introduction to Environmental science, English, Organizational Behaviour, Financial Accounting, Digital Marketing Fundamentals, Media Psychology, Business Technology, PR and Event Management, Language, Business Mathematics, Business Technology, Media Laws & Ethics, History of Arts and Design, Search Engine Marketing and Analytics, Camera & Lighting Techniques, Marketing Management, Corporate and Business Law, Statistics and Inferences, Islamiyat, Digital Skills Develop, Graphic Design, Digital Sales Management, Intro to Business Finance, Digital Branding, CSR Management, Technology Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Web Programming, Agile Project Management in Marketing, Pak Studies, Enterprise Resource Planning, Copywriting, Business Research Report Writing, Social Media Marketing, Financial Management, UX/UI Development, Applied Ethics in contemporary Digital Technology, E-commerce, Islamic Economics and Finance, Integrated Marketing Communications, Business Intelligence, Consumer Behaviour, Entrepreneurship, Integrated Marketing Communications, Web Development, Database Principles, Concept & Content Development, Brand Management, Research Methods and Design Fundamentals.



Benefits of pursuing a BS Digital Marketing degree in Pakistan

A BS Digital Marketing degree can open the door to multiple career paths, like social media manager, SEO specialist, and content strategist. Plus, businesses are always in need of skilled digital marketers to reach their target audience. This field also offers attractive salaries. You can work remotely or freelance, providing flexibility. And, you’ll stay updated with the latest tools and strategies. You can even work for local and international clients.



Moreover, this degree provides analytical skills, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication. To make the most of it: attend networking events and webinars, gain practical experience, create an online portfolio, and develop a growth mindset.



Maximize the benefits of this degree and stay ahead in the dynamic field of digital marketing in Pakistan. Where you can use your persuasive skills to convince people that buying useless stuff is actually a great idea!



Jobs and career opportunities in the field of Digital Marketing in Pakistan

Digital marketing in Pakistan has plenty of roles to offer, such as SEO Specialists for optimizing websites to improve search engine rankings & drive organic traffic, Social Media Managers for creating & managing campaigns for engaging with target audiences, Content Writers for producing quality content to boost brand visibility, PPC Specialists for managing PPC ads & generating leads, Email Marketers for developing strategies to nurture leads & convert them into customers & Analytics Experts for analyzing data and making data-driven decisions. Plus, there are more roles such as influencer marketers, affiliate marketers, web developers & graphic designers.


The demand for skilled digital marketers is growing, and freelancing opportunities are plenty. It’s a great field to pursue, and Sarah’s story is one example. She started her own digital marketing agency after working with various multinational companies. Now her agency has a wide range of clients from different industries and she is continuously expanding her team.



The only thing to keep in mind is that it can be difficult to find paying clients in digital marketing in Pakistan, rather than just getting a plate of biryani.



Challenges faced by professionals in the field of Digital Marketing in Pakistan

Digital marketing pros in Pakistan face lots of difficulties. A big one is the lack of knowledge about digital marketing among businesses and people. Many firms still use traditional marketing, making it hard to push digital marketing services.



Tech is always changing. Digital marketers must stay up-to-date with the newest trends and tools to reach their target audience. This needs ongoing learning and being ahead of rivals.



Limited resources and budget limits also challenge digital marketers in Pakistan. Digital marketing campaigns often need tools, software, and ads. But, not all firms and companies are ready to give enough funds for this purpose which makes it hard to reach desired outcomes.



Also, the lack of qualified professionals in the field adds to the challenges. Many people claim to be digi marketing experts but they do not have the required skills, expertise & knowledge. Due to which many unqualified professionals make it hard for genuine experts to shine in the market.



46% of Pakistan’s population has access to the web according to Hootsuite’s Digital Report 2021 Global Overview by We Are Social and Hootsuite. This shows the potential for digital marketing growth in Pakistan.



Get ready for a future of digital marketing success in Pakistan – where brands compete to be seen, algorithms change the game and cat videos are still popular.



Future prospects of BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan

The future of BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan is glowing. Technology is relied on more and more, meaning businesses need professionals to market products and services online.



Today, companies realise the importance of having a solid online presence to reach their target audience. This has made a gigantic demand for Digital Marketing experts who can craft and execute strategies to advertise brands, bring website traffic, draw leads, and convert them.



With the growth of e-commerce platforms and social media channels, sales and advertising have skyrocketed online. This gives marketing professionals the opportunity to discover inventive ways of getting to customers via targeted campaigns.



Also, new technology and data analysis have totally changed the world of Digital Marketing. People with knowledge in SEO, SEM, content marketing, SMO, social media management, SMM and data analysis will be very sought after.



Furthermore more and more companies are move towards digital marketing strategies, in the result of this massive shift traditional marketing methods are becoming less useful. There is a need for online marketing professionals who can adjust to the changing landscape & stay ahead of the competition.



Considering these facts, a degree in BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan could lead to a successful career with plentiful job openings. Whether it’s being employed by a company or joining a digital marketing agency, graduates have good salaries and lots of learning opportunities.



To succeed in this area, it is essential to stay informed about industry trends, upgrade skills with certifications or workshops, and network with industry professionals. By remaining proactive and adaptive, individuals can make themselves valuable assets in the fast-growing digital marketing world.



Types of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing comprises various kinds of marketing techniques which are now a days used to promote products, services or brands. Some of the most common types of digital marketing include following:


1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): S.E.O is all about optimizing a website, blog or youtube channel for ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and it is a potent way of increasing organic traffic.


2. Pay-per-Click (PPC): P.P.C is an advertising method which is used to drive website traffic, where advertisers pay per click on their ads like adsense.


3. Content Marketing: It is all about creating & distributing valuable & relevant content that attracts & retains a target audience.


4. Social Media Marketing: Using social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter & Instagram to market a brand, increase its online visibility & connect with target audiences.


5. Email Marketing: It is used for communicating with customers & potential customers via email campaigns.


Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Marketing and Mobile Marketing are also consider different types of digital media marketing.



Purpose of Digital Marketing

The key purpose of digital marketing is to reach a target audience through various online channels for example search engines, social media platforms, emails, mobile devices, video sharing portals & websites. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing provides a more personalized & interactive experience for customers which result in a higher conversion rate. In short digital marketing is used to increase lead generations and sales.



Required skills for a successful career in Digital Marketing in Pakistan

To make it in digital marketing in Pakistan, you need certain skills. Here are four key skills:

Analytical Mindset: First of all to make smart decisions, you need to be able to understand data about consumer behaviour.

Creativity: You also need to be able to create original content that stands out and gets result.

Tech Savviness: You must be comfortable using tools like analytics, social media, and email software.

Communication Skills: You must be able to communicate persuasively and actively listen. Plus, other unique details can help.


An example: Ali struggled at first but applied his analytical skills, adopted creativity, kept up with tech trends, and mastered communication. Through hard work, he became an industry leader and ran many successful digital campaigns.


Tip: Remember, BS Digital Marketing students in Pakistan should be able to Photoshop their way out of awkward situations.



Tips for students pursuing a BS Digital Marketing degree in Pakistan

For those students in Pakistan studying for a BS Digital Marketing degree, here are some helpful tips for success! Ensure you:

Comprehend various digital marketing concepts, for example, SEO, social media marketing and content marketing.

Keep up with the newest trends in digital marketing by pursuing industry experts and going to webinars.

Gain practical insight via internships or freelance jobs to utilise your theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Create a professional network by networking with digital marketing experts through LinkedIn or industry events.

Take advantage of web-based resources like blogs, podcasts, and online courses to supplement your learning and increase your knowledge.

Develop outstanding communication and analytical abilities to analyse data effectively and communicate digital marketing strategies to customers.


You should practice what you learn & gain as much experience as possible.


You must keep an eye on your competition & learn from their strategies.

Focusing on these points is key for those studying for a BS Digital Marketing degree in Pakistan. By using them, you can be seen as an experienced professional in this ever-changing field. All the best!


It is vital that students studying Digital Marketing degree programme in Pakistan are aware that the digital marketing world is always changing. So, staying abreast of new tools, strategies & platforms is integral to success.


An example of this comes from Ahmed – a student studying for a BS Digital Marketing degree, who put these tips into practice. His diligence & extreme dedication to learning got him an internship at a well-known digital marketing agency. This gave him the chance to gain practical experience & make important contacts in the industry. Nowadays, Ahmed is a successful digital marketing specialist and continues to excel in his career.


By integrating these smart rather golden tips into their educational journey, students can create a path to success in digital marketing.



How to Become a Digital Marketer?

BS DM degree, along with hands-on experience can help you embark on a career in digital marketing field. But formal education is not the only path for becoming a successful digital marketer. You can also learn from online tutorials, attending webinars & conferences, reading digital marketing blogs & networking with professionals in the field.



Further Study Options After BS Digital Marketing

After completing a BSDM, several options are available for further education, including a master’s degree in digital marketing, an MBA or a Ph.D. in marketing.


Free Digital Marketing Courses For All- Urdu Guide


Alternatives of BS Digital Marketing

There are several alternatives to BS Digital Marketing degree. However, if you are looking to become a digital marketer specifically, some of the recommended short courses you can consider include:

1. Diploma in Digital Marketing

2. Certificate in Social Media Marketing

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Certification



Earning Potential For BS Digital Marketing Graduates

The earning potential for BS Digital Marketing graduates differs depending on several factors. Still, on average, a digital marketing manager can earn between PKR 600,000 to PKR 1200,000 annually.



How to Start & Run a Digital Marketing Agency After BS Digital Marketing?

Starting & running a digital marketing agency can be a challenging yet rewarding venture due to great potential income. Here are some super tips on how to get started in this field:


1. Determine your niche. Firstly, identify what services you want to offer & what type of clients you want to target in start and in the long run.


2. Create a business plan. Define your goals, budget, marketing strategy & pricing to ensure your business is sustainable.


3. Offer competitive pricing. Research your competitors & offer competitive pricing to stand out in the industry.


4. Build a portfolio. Create & showcase your work through case studies and testimonials to increase your credibility with potential clients.

In short here are some essential steps to start & run a digital marketing agency:

1. Develop your business plan
2. Find your niche
3. Build a team with the right skill set
4. Create a brand identity and marketing strategy
5. Network and get new clients
6. Deliver exceptional results and build a strong reputation



Universities in Pakistan Offering BS Digital Marketing in Pakistan

University of Lahore, IUB Bahawalpur, Ilma University, USA, Kiet and Ghazi University DG Khan are offering BS Digital Marketing degree program in Pakistan.




In the last we can conclude with the crystal clear fact that digital marketing is a rapidly growing field that offers a vast range of opportunities for professionals who want to enter in a career in this industry. A BSDM degree programme equips you with the skills & knowledge which is necessary to succeed in this field. With the right combination of training, experience & a go-getter attitude, you can build a successful & lucrative career in digital marketing in Pakistan. So get admission in BS Digital Marketing degree program as early as possible.


Urdu Guide About Digital Marketing Scope in Pakistan




Q 1. What is the BS Digital Marketing degree program?

A 1. The BS Digital Marketing or BSDM is a four-year undergraduate course that prepares students for careers in digital marketing field. This degree programme equips students with knowledge & skills in areas such as social media marketing, digital analytics, content creation, advertising & web designing.

Q 2. What is the scope of digital marketing in Pakistan?

A 2. Digital marketing has a promising scope in Pakistan, especially now that most businesses are shifting their focus to online platforms.

Q 3. What are the job positions available after BS Digital Marketing?

A 3. Some of the job positions available after completing a BS Digital Marketing degree include digital marketing manager, social media manager, digital strategist, content marketer, and SEO specialist.

Q 4. Is a BS DM a good degree?

A 4 BS in Digital Marketing (DM) is an excellent UG degree program if you have interest in career in digital marketing.

Q 5. What are the essential skills and qualities needed to become a digital marketer?

A 5. To become a successful digital marketer, you need to have the following essential skills: 1- Analytical skills 2- Communication skills 3- Creativity 4- Strategic thinking 5- Adaptability 6- Data interpretation skills

Q 6.Which topics are covered in BS Digital Marketing program?

A 6. A BS in Digital Marketing covers a vast range of topics that include: 1- Marketing Fundamentals 2- Digital Media Production 3- Web and Interactive Design 4- Consumer Behavior and Psychology 5- Digital Marketing Analytics and Metrics 6- Emerging Trends and Technologies 7- Content Strategy and Management 8- Social Media Marketing 9- Search Engine Optimization 10- Paid Advertising

Q 7. What is the approximate cost of the BS Digital Marketing Degree Program?

A 7. The cost of a BS Digital Marketing Degree Program varies depending on the university. Students should research and compare tuition costs, living expenses, and other fees before making a decision.

Q 8. What are the eligibility requirements for admission to the BS (DM) degree program?

A 8. Admission requirements vary depending on the university. However, most universities require intermediate or equivalent, transcripts, letters of recommendation & required entrance test scores.

Q 9. Who is a good fit for the BS Digital Marketing Degree Program?

A 9. The BS DM degree is ideal for those students who are creative, tech-savvy & have an interest in digital advertising, content writing, social media and online marketing.  

Q 10. What career opportunities are available for graduates of the digital marketing degree?

A 10. The BS Digital Marketing degree program opens up exciting career opportunities for graduates. Graduates can become digital marketing managers, social media specialists, SEO specialists, online advertising managers, content strategists & digital analysts, among others.