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Scope of Top Ten Elective Subjects in BA

How To Select Elective Subjects in BA?
Subject selection has always been a problem for BA students. Here in this post we shall discuss the scope of top 10 elective subjects in BA. At the end of the post we have also shared some super tips. This top 10 list is not final for all students as the main factor is your interest and natural talent so after reading the post listen your inner voice too. In BA you have to opt one optional and two elective subjects. So you must chose one elective subject of your interest.

1-Applied Psychology
We need to apply the rules of Psychology many times in our life. So if you do not go for MSc Applied Psychology even then this subject can helps you a lot in your future life. Its a professional subjects. FSc pre medical students who change their study stream after failure in getting admission in medical or dental college, should take this subject in BA as it can fulfill their dream of becoming a doctor. Psychologists are also considered the doctor of mind diseases. They can run their private practice too. That’s why its one of the best elective subject for females as they can earn money through private practice from home.

2-Political Science/History
If you are interested in CSS/PMS you should study  History or Political or both at graduation level. These subjects will also help you in Pak Studies paper. If you are interested in LLB, MA International Relation, MSc Pakistan Studies then take on these subject at Bachelor level.  European History is better than Indo Pak History as you read about international relations too in it. In case of choosing European History, you must prepare the Pak Studies paper from book of Indo Pak History. MA in Indo Pak History of Political Science will also increase you job chance in education sector as Pakistan Studies is taught up to graduation level in Pakistan that’s why every school and college need the services of teachers of this subject. Last but not least if you do not select any of these subject then also prepare the Pak Studies paper from the book of Indo Pak History.

3-Social Work/Sociology/Gender Studies
There is a great demand of thee subjects in non governmental organizations. Scope of these subjects is not limited to Pakistan only.

4-English Literature
English literature can improve your English writing skill. Either you want to appear in CSS or not this subject will help you in overcoming the fear of English language. MA English will become easy for you.

If you are interested in MBA or any other related degree, then chose Economics as an elective subject in BA. This subject can help you in MBA, MPA, MA Economics, HR, CMA etc. Economics helps us in our everyday life too.


Scope of Top Ten Elective Subjects in BA

We are living in the era of electronic media. Media has become the fourth pillar of state. Journalists enjoys power and respect in society.  Journalism is a vast but interesting subject. In Pakistan Journalism is not taught at inter level. If you have interest in electronic or print media then study this subject.

7-Education/Health & Physical Education
Again education is another best option for females. This subject will make BEd, MEd and MA Education very easy for you.

8-Mathematics/Computer Studies
Those students who want to secure their future must opt Mathematics or Computer Science. If you want to go for MBA, MBA IT, MIT or MCS after graduation then chose one of these subjects in BA.

9-Islamic Studies/Urdu
Urdu is taught up to intermediate level in Pakistan and Islamic studies up to degree level. So Master in any of these subjects can help you  Islam is our religion and Urdu is our national language and identity. Urdu newspapers and channels prefer to hire the MA Urdu degree holders. Learning the basics of our religion is our duty so if you do not opt Islamic studies as an elective subject then chose Arabic or Islamic studies as an optional subject.

10-Home Economics/Fine Arts
Females must chose Home Economics as an elective subject in BA as primary responsibility of a woman is to perform the domestic chores. If you have natural talent then fine arts can polish it.

Super Tips For BA Students
1-Just chose one scoring subject. Your second elective subject should be of your interest or professional in nature.
2-Here i also want to clear that the concept of scoring subject is also a myth. Key of getting good marks is just hard work and creativity.
3-Select the optional subject also very carefully.
4-If you are committed to appear in competitive exam after BA then select your subjects taking this point in mind. Concentrate on Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies and English subjects too.
5-Do select the subject in BA in which you want to do your Masters.
6-Take help of our career counselors for proper guidance.
Here are some other useful subjects of BA.
International Relations
Library & Information Science
Space Science