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SEO Training – 25 Super Tips About On Page SEO

SEO Tutorial For Beginners – Twenty Five Super Tips

In our second SEO tutorial we shall share 25 super tips about on page SEO with our readers. If you want to get complete SEO training then stay in touch with us. It is mandatory for are bloggers to get Search Engine Optimization SEO training for getting higher ranks in search engines. There are two kinds of SEO i.e on page SEO and Off page SEO. Today we shall just discuss the key rules of on page SEO training.

Search Engine Optimization SEO Training TipsĀ 

1-Key word should be included in the URL.

2-Once bold your main keyword and once write in italic style.

3-Use minimum keywords in a post most preferably only one keyword.

4-Recommended keywords density is 1 to 3 percent. Some SEO experts suggest that up to 5 percent key words density is also acceptable, but its the upper limit, you should try to restrict to 3%. I use to calculate the number of keyword in an article. Same i recommend for you.

5-Use one H2 heading in an article and do use your main keyword in it.

6-Length of your title must be below 60 characters as majority of search engines shows maximum 60 words . At least try to put your keyword in the first 60 characters even in this case title tag should not be longer than 70 characters. It would be better for you to use long tail keyword in title tag.

7-Do write unique description title. Include your most important keyword in it. Use maximum 160 characters in description tag.

8-Although now Google does not give importance to keyword tag still you should use it for other search engines. Target maximum 5 keywords.

9-Google robot can not see the images so optimize your images with ALT and title tags. Do use your main keyword here too.

10-Use search engine friendly URLs. Avoid using different kinds of signs like %, spaces and question mark.

11-Use quality hosting server which should remain up and running 24/7. Up time of your server must be above 99.9 %. In case of slow server speed or too much downtime your site will be de-indexed and never will be able to get good ranking in organic search.

SEO Training - 25 Super Tips About On Page SEO


SEO Training – 25 Super Tips About On Page SEO

12-There should not be any broken links on your pages. Use the Xenu free software for detecting your broken links and try to fix these broken links immediately.

13-Use Google webmaster tools for verifying your ownership and getting help in on page SEO.

14-Do add Google analytics code in your website and analyse your your website daily on it.

15-Create and submit xml sitemap of your website in webmaster tool of different search engines like Google and Bing. It will help you in quick indexing of your website.

16-Use Google Adwards Keyword Planner for searching your target keywords. We have written a detailed SEO tutorial about the use of this tool.

17-You should add social sharing buttons in your website for urging the readers to share your posts in their social media accounts. In case of having good social presence you site will get higher ranking.

18-Using the google authorship markup is also a good on page SEO technique. Same is the case with geo-tagging

19-Do give the credit to websites from where you are getting some sort of idea or image. Even give do follow links to some high PR websites.

20-Use the technique of internal linking for engaging your visitors on your portal. It will reduce your bounce rate too.

21-Write as much lengthy posts as you can. Although a post with 300 words is also acceptable but try to write minimum 500 words post. A post with 1000 words will get higher ranking in search engine than a post of 500 words.

22-Make your website mobile friendly as it has been noticed that now majority of people connect to internet through their mobile devices. WordPress sites can use many plugins for this purpose. Use Google’s mobile friendly test tool to evaluate the rating of your website.

23-Use Google page speed insights tool and act upon the given instructions.

24-Your site’s navigation should be crawl-able.

25-Last but not least always try to produce quality, unique and long life content.

Soon we shall write an detailed article on off page SEO training too, so visit us daily. Our facebook page is also very interesting like our website so visit and like it too.