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SEO Tutorial-How To Use New Google Keyword Planner For Keyword Search

How To Use Google Keyword Planner For Better Keyword Search? 

It is mandatory for all the students who want to earn money online through blogging to learn the use of google adwards keyword planner. Its a handy tool through which you can decide that on which keywords you should write an article or on which keywords you should emphasize in your any post.We shall guide you step by step. Its first SEO tutorial on soon we shall write detailed tutorials on wordpress blogger and SEO. First of all we shall disuses how to use new google keyword planner and then we shall also share some SEO tips with you. First sign in on with your any google account. If you don’t have any google account then make it first.

Free SEO Tutorial - How To Use New Google Keyword Planner
Step One
Click on tools option on the top of the page and then on keyword planner from the drop down menu. Following window will appear in your computer now.

Free SEO Tutorial - How To Use New Google Keyword Planner
Step Two
Click on the “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category” option a new wino will open before you again which has been given below.


SEO Tutorial – How To Use New Google Keyword Planner For Keyword Search



SEO Tutorial - How To Use New Google Keyword Planner For Keyword Search
Step 3
Now you have reached on an important stage. Here enter your keyword in the box below “Your product or service” option. I have written a keyword “how to buy a car” there. Set your target area. You can see i have selected Pakistan. You may also filter your search by using the keyword filters options. You may set set filters for minimum or maximum monthly searches or CPC (cost per click) through this option. Now click the get idea option in the bottom. Following window will appear now on your screen.

SEO Tutorial - How To Use New Google Keyword Planner For Keyword Search
4th & Final Step
At last you have reached at your final destination. On this page kindly click the keywords ideas option and compare the searches of your key word. Here you can see a chart of your desired and similar keywords. Here three options are important for you. First avg monthly searches secondly competition an thirdly suggested bid. It is recommended that you should target a key word, which has minimum 500 monthly searches, low competition and at least 0.05$ suggested bid. On the top you may also see the one year chart of each key word. OK at last you have learnt the use of new Google Keyword Planner but we have some additional tips too for you about keywords selection. Which will help you in your SEO.

Three SEO Tips For Keyword Search & Selection

Here are three SEO tips for keyword search and selection.

First SEO Tip

Now go to Google search and type your key word there in quotation marks “Keyword” and search to see that Google has indexed how many pages about the key word you are going to target. It will give you an idea about the competition of your targeted keywords.
Second SEO Tip

Now write intitle:”your keyword” in google search to see that how many pages have used your keyword in their titles and click search. For example intitle:”How To Buy A Car”
Third SEO Tip
If you want to know that in how may URLs, your key word has been used then write inurl:”your keyword” in Google search and press search. It show you the exact number of URLs using your targeted keywords. For example inurl:”How To Buy A Car”.

Its just a beginning of our voyage as we shall guide you from A to Z about how to earn money online through blogging, so stay in touch with us in this voyage of learning and earning.  You are more than welcome to ask any question about the use of new Google keyword planner. Our team will try to guide you personally.