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Sindh Government is Going to Inactive SPSC- Appeal to Bilawal Bhutto

Breaking News-Sindh Government is Going to Inactive Sindh Public Service Commission
As per media news Government of Sindh is going to inactivate Sindh Public Service Commission. Chief Minster Secretariat has written a letter to Chairman Sindh Public Service Commission containing a direction that now onwards commission will not take the written test for any post in public department. IBA, Agha Khan Board and NTS will take the written tests for recruitment in government departments. SPSC will just take the interviews of written test qualifying candidates. Sindh government took this decision due to delay in the written test results and complaints about irregularities in SPSC. Kindly share your views about this drastic decision by Sindh government.

Murder of Merit? condemns this decision as we firmly believe that interference of government is relatively easier in private institutes. Members of public service commission take oath and they have job security so influencing them is much difficult than any private institution. We daily receive large number of complaints against private testing agencies. We have already suggested that no recruitment test should be taken by any private agency even for non gazetted posts autonomous public testing agencies should be established. But now even \ for gazetted posts government is going to hire the services of these so called testing agencies.

Jobs For Sale?

SPSC is the only hope for common man in the province and being a lawyer i know that if someone will challenge this decision in court it will be taken back.SPSC is an independent institution and large number of politician always dislike it as it ensures merit in recruitment process. If any irregularity has been reported then it must be investigated and culprits should be punished as per law. Government makes institutions strong but here we are deactivated them and preventing them to work which is not justified at all.

Appeal to CM Sindh, Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari

We make an appeal to CM Sindh, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Asif Ali Zardari to interfere in this matter immediately. Its the murder of merit and transparency in recruitment process. Sindh government has no right to interfere in the matters of SPSC. In a feudal society common people are not given even the right to live but how long it will continue now when every one is fed up with this system such decisions will deteriorate the situation more. Feudal want to recruit their pets as officers but we hope that higher leadership of  PPP will resist this anti merit decision. Many journalists and human rights activists are also raising voice against this decision. You can read a column of a Sindhi journalist about “Breaking news-Sindh government is going to inactive SPSC” in Urdu below this page. Stay in touch with us for latest breaking news alerts.

Sindh Government is Going to Inactive SPSC- Appeal to Bilawal Bhutto

Sindh Government is Going to Inactive SPSC- Appeal to Bilawal Bhutto


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