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Software Engineering Scope in Pakistan (BSSE)

Table of Contents

Career Scope of BS Software Engineering Field in Pakistan, BSSE Subjects, Jobs, Tips, Benefits, Future, Challenges, Topics, Universities, Required Skills, Further Study Options, Alternatives & FAQs

Software industry is rapidly growing industry not in Pakistan only but also in the entire world. It is a field of endless opportunities. But you need to be updated about market and with new developments in computer languages. It is a field for those students who want to excel from others in a very short spa of time. In this field a creative minded person can do wonders.


Software Engineering Scope in Pakistan (BSSE)

Software Engineering Scope in Pakistan (BSSE)

In this detailed career counseling article of we shall discuss each and every aspect of BS Software Engineering. You must read this post till end.



What is a Software?

Software refers to a collection of instructions or programs that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks or operations. It consists of code written by software developers using programming languages. Software can take various forms like applications (such as word processors, web browsers, and games) , operating systems (e.g Windows, macOS, and Linux), utilities (for example antivirus programs and file management tools) & system software (such as device drivers and firmware). Overall software enables computers & other devices to execute desired functions, process data and provide useful services to users.



What is Software Engineering?

Software engineering is the discipline related to designing, creating & maintaining software systems. It involves applying engineering principles & methodologies to develop high-quality software efficiently and effectively. This includes activities like requirement analysis, design , coding, testing & maintenance of software products. Software engineers often work in teams & use various tools and techniques to ensure that software meets user needs, is reliable , scalable and maintainable.



Software Engineering Scope in Pakistan (BSSE)

You can see live examples of many internationally recognized software developers. Bill gates is one of them and just because of his creative mind he became the richest man of the world in no time. I strongly recommend all the students who are good in Mathematics to join this field and not only change their own fate but also their country. My younger brother did B.C.S in software engineering from PUCIT, but he was more interested in going abroad. I told him to stay in your field and within a couple of year you will be able to earn as much money as you dream to earn in a foreign country. Fortunately he acted upon my advice and now by the grace of Almighty Allah he is enjoying a promising career as a senior software engineer in a leading international software house in Pakistan.


Career & Scope


Why Software engineering?(Scope and Career Opportunities)

Software engineering allows you to work according to your own will. If you don’t like job you can work from home as free lancer. So you can become a self employed person. You can start your own software house. You can launch you own websites and can also work as web developer. A software engineers get extra points in skill immigration schemes of different developed countries. You can open your own IT training institute. Software engineers are most highly paid individuals in the world. They enjoys a vast job market all over the world.



More About Scope of BSSE in Pakistan

You will never see a talented jobless software engineer in your surroundings. You can join any IT training institute or college too as lecturer. Government of Pakistan is going to computerized all its departments, so you can get a good government too in 17th grade. Computer education is being introduced in schools too. So this is a new area of job opportunity for you. Pakistan is going to enter in the era of 4G and 5G technologies this development will bring an revolution in this industry. E-commerce, e-courts, e-learning, e-government and e-medicine will open new horizons of opportunities for you. So sky is the limit for software engineers.



Points to Remember About BS Software Engineering in Pakistan

Another reason which i will like to share with you again is about power of IT industry. As i wrote in my another article, this is an era of IT and software revolution and we Muslims are about 500 years behind from West in science and technology, it is the only field through which we can bridge this distance in one or two decades only. You have live examples of China, Malaysia and India. Knowledge and technology cannot be restricted now. We Muslims just need to excel in software and IT field. So join this field if you want to help your nation too.



Benefits of Pursuing Software Engineering in Pakistan:

High demand: There is a constant demand for skilled software engineers in Pakistan due to rise of technology-driven businesses and software industry.
Lucrative career prospects: Software engineers often enjoy competitive salaries & numerous opportunities for career advancement.
Global opportunities: The skills acquired in software engineering are transferable & in demand globally. BSSE opens up opportunities for international employment too.
Continuous learning: Technology is ever-evolving. This provides BSSE degree holders with opportunities for continuous learning & skill enhancement.
Flexibility: Software engineering offers flexibility in terms of work environment, including opportunities for remote work & freelance projects.



Does degree from good institute matter?

To some extent yes but in broader extent no as this is a skill base job or degree, the thing that matter more in this field is your skill rather than your degree. Again i shall give you example of Bill gates who even could not complete his university education but just because of his creative mind and skill he succeeded to build a big business empire. So if you can not get admission in top college or university due to your low aggregate don’t bother and if you are interested in software development and good in mathematics then get admission in any college according to your aggregate.



Tips for Aspiring Software Engineers in Pakistan

1- Your key focus should be on building a strong foundation in programming languages like Python, Java, C++, PHP, or JavaScript.
2-You should engage yourself in practical projects & internships to gain real-world experience.
3-Please stay updated with the latest trends & technologies in the field through continuous learning and participation in relevant communities .
4-You will also have to develop soft skills for example problem-solving, communication & teamwork, which are essential for success in the field.
5-Network with professionals in the industry is also mandatory through events, conferences & online platforms to expand your opportunities.



Top Ranking Universities Offering Software engineering in Pakistan

    • 1.Comsats institute of information Technology
    • 2. National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NU-FAST), Islamabad
    • 3. Qurtaba University of Science and Information Technology, D I Khan
    • 4. Balochistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta
    • 5. City University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar
    • 6. CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences, Peshawa
    • 7.Punjab University College of Information Technology
    • 8.FAST LHR
    • 9.NED University
            10.GIK topi



BSSE Program Prerequisite

The admission requirement for 4 year (8 semesters) BSSE is FA / FSc(with Mathematics) from a recognized board of intermediate with minimum second division. Selection is based on the aptitude test and interview conducted by the respective university.



Graduation Requirements

To qualify for the degree, a student must attain a CGPA of 2.00 or more on completion of the required course work.



Required Skills & Qualities for Software Engineers

1-Proficiency in programming languages
2-Problem-solving abilities
3-Knowledge of software development methodologies
4-Understanding of data structures & algorithms
5-Familiarity with databases & web technologies
6-Good communication skills
7-Ability to work in a team
8-Continuous learning and adaptability



Challenges in Software Engineering in Pakistan

1-Lack of quality education & resources in some areas
2-Limited exposure to industry standards & best practices
3-Competition from international outsourcing companies
4-Rapidly evolving technology landscape requiring constant skill updates
5-Limited availability of specialized roles in emerging technologies



Software Engineering Subjects

Following subjects are taught in four years BCS program after Inter

  • Computers and Applications
  • Computer Logic Design
  • Computer Programming
  • Discrete Structures
  • Assembly Language Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Advanced Programming Concepts
  • Comparative Study of Computer Languages
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Theory of Automata
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Databases and Information Retrieval
  • Systems Programming
  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Computer Communications and Networks
  • Operating Systems
  • Compiler Construction
  • Software Project Management
  • Recent Developments in IT
  • Technical Communication
  • Marketing Fundamentals
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Organization
  • Multimedia Systems
  • Enterprise JAVA
  • Simulation and Modeling
  • Expert Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence


Job Areas for Software Engineers in Pakistan

1-Software development companies
2-IT consulting firms
3-Govt organizations
4-Banking & financial institutions
5-Telecommunication companies
6-E-commerce platforms
7-Healthcare industry
8-Education sector



Job Types in Software Engineering

Software developer
Machine Learning Engineer
Web developer
Mobile app developer
Full-stack developer
DevOps engineer
Data scientist
Cybersecurity analyst
Quality assurance engineer
Data Scientist
NLP Scientist
Research Scientists
Data Engineers
AI Engineer
App Developer
Computer Vision Engineer

Topics to Focus on in Software Engineering Studies:

1-Object-oriented programming
2-Data structures & algorithms
3-Software engineering principles and methodologies
4-Database management systems
5-Web development technologies
6-Mobile app development
7-Artificial intelligence & machine learning
8-Cybersecurity fundamentals



BSSE Alternative Programs

BS Data Science
BS Robotics and Intelligent Systems
BS Cyber Security
Software Development



Freelancing Opportunities

Freelancing offers software engineers the flexibility to work on projects remotely & independently. BSSE can make you your own boss. You may earn unlimited amount of money as a freelancer from Upwork, Freelance, Fiverr and Linkedin but for this purpose you will have to understand the algorithm of these 4 platforms. You must also try to find freelance projects in software development, web design and other related fields. You may also launch your own software house but for this purpose first you should work in any software house for learning the corporate culture.



Future of Software Engineering in Pakistan

The future of software engineering in Pakistan is very bright. Government is trying to digitalize all its departments and same is the case with private organizations and businesses. Government is trying to promote IT exports by facilitating the IT experts. Almost zero tax is taken from IT experts in Pakistan. Arfa Karim center is also playing great role for promotion of software engineering in Pakistan. A project of public sector software university is also in pipeline. Due to increasing investment in technology infrastructure , growing digitization across sectors &  a rising number of startups and tech companies, we can say it with full confidence that software engineering is the future of Pakistan too. As the country continues to embrace technology-driven solutions, the demand for skilled software engineers is expected to rise further. So do try to become a software engineer by getting admission in BSSE program.




In short BSSE is the degree of future. Software engineers can make Pakistan a developed country. They can increase the IT export of Pakistan to billions of dollars. Government should launch BS software engineering degree in all universities of Pakistan and BSSE graduates should be given interest free long term loans to facilitate the IT startups. Students should also get admission in BSSE (BS Software Engineering), BSCS, BSIT, BSAI, BS Cyber Security and BS Data Science programs so that our human resource may become more effective and productive.



FAQs About Scope of BS Software Engineering in Pakistan

Q: What is the difference between software engineering & computer science?

A: CS focuses on the theoretical aspects of computing for example algorithms , data structures  & computational theory where as software engineering deals with the practical aspects of designing, developing &   maintaining software systems.

Q: Do I need a degree to become a software engineer?

A: Its a fact that degree in computer science or a related field can provide a strong foundation but many software engineers are self-taught or have pursued alternative education paths like coding bootcamps or online courses. But if you want to join academia, or reputed software house or want to migrate to foreign countries then you will have to get BSSE degree. Do not believe on Azad Chai Wala as he is speaking against degrees just for selling his courses.

Q: What programming languages should I learn to become a software engineer?

A: It depends on your career goals &  the type of projects you want to work on . Some popular programming languages for software engineering are Python, ASP.Net , Java, PHP, R, JavaScript, C++ &  Ruby.  

Q: How can I improve my problem-solving skills as a software engineer?

A: Practice is the key for this purpose, so try to solve coding problems on platforms like LeetCode, W3 Schools, HackerRank or CodeSignal. Additionally working on real-world projects & collaborating with others can help improve your problem-solving abilities.

Q: What are the job prospects for software engineers in Pakistan?

A: The job prospects for software engineers in Pakistan are promising. Demand for skilled professionals of software is increasing in various industries like IT, finance, education, healthcare, missile research program, Nadra,  and e-commerce.

Q: Is freelancing a viable option for software engineers in Pakistan?

A: Yes 100%, freelancing is a viable option for software engineers in Pakistan. It provides opportunities to work on projects globally & earn a competitive income.

Q: How can I stay updated with the latest trends & technologies in software engineering?

A: You can stay updated by following industry blogs, attending conferences & meetups, participating in online forums and communities, watching Youtube tutorials & taking online courses or certifications in relevant topics.

Q: What are some challenges faced by software engineers in Pakistan?

A: Some challenges faced by software engineers in Pakistan include limited access to quality education &  resources, competition from international outsourcing companies  & rapidly evolving technology landscapes requiring continuous skill updates .

Q: What skills are required to succeed as a software engineer?

A: Some essential skills for software engineers include proficiency in programming languages, problem-solving abilities , knowledge of software development methodologies, understanding of data structures and algorithms &  good communication and teamwork skills.

29 thoughts on “Software Engineering Scope in Pakistan (BSSE)”

  1. Great article..sir I’m student of ICS 2nd yr ..I’ve a craze to become a soft eng cause I wanna build up a social networking site ..I’m really positive bout my idea …but Im weak in maths really weak ! .so is there any chance of survival in uni with poor maths?

  2. Sir ,Plese tell me what should be done after doing i c s,
    plz help me i have very interest in computer but some people says computer field have no scope in future,so plz sir help me plz plz

  3. I am Doing Software Engg. From Virtual University.Please Guide me Is it profitable for me to get some Certifications from Cisco and Microsoft like CCNA,SEOand please also tell me which will be the probably most demanding in 2016 ,2017…in Pakistan.(1)Web development (2) Networking (3) coding/Tshooting

    • It largely depends upon your interest. Extra qualification always help you. Kindly choose a field and do courses in only that field. All three fields have great scope. Being webmaster i prefer web development. But you are separate entity. Try to guess your interest. A field in which you love to work. Its the first condition of success. If you choose web development then learn SEO too.

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