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Some Unanswered Questions About Pakistan Cricket-Food For Thought

Food For Thought For All Pakistani People
Really brothers i am very upset with Pakistan’s defeat against India and could not write any thing yesterday. This post is my catharsis. I am writing this post at 5 am on 16 February as i could to sleep and these questions were disturbing me a lot. I have just raised some questions not a charge sheet against anyone. These are questions which every Pakistani has in his mind but no body is ready to ask these questions because the ……mafia is very strong. But being an advocate High Court and true Pakistani i could not stop my self to ask these questions. I am ready to face the the people who are responsible for our defeat. Its a food for thought for all of you.

1-Why Captain did not play in quarter final of 1996 world cup?

2-Who was arrested in West Indies dues to use of prohibited items and one of them is why still working with the team?

3-Why administration of our board ignore honest cricketers like Inzamam ul Haq, Saeed Anwar and specially Muhammad Yousuf?

4-Last month when Kamran said in a newspaper statement that , Misbah ul Haq was responsible for his failure then why his brother was selected in the team? Why these two brothers leave catches so often?

5-Why Moeen Khan was not ready to leave the post of Manager, and even after that he went to Australia, in which capacity? How he is compelling the authorities to admit his conditions?

6-Why Hafeez was sent back from Australia? Was any thing wrong?

7-Why any one did not  take the notice of Amir Sohail’s statement about Pakistan’s defeat against in India during the world cups?

8-Rashid Latif was expelled from team for defeating the England in a fixed match, why? Why still he is facing the music?

9-Who is patronizing the Anti Misbah ul Haq group in team?

10-Why Misbah ul Haq  is not in the good books of some players and part of team management?

Some Unanswered Question About Pakistan Cricket

Some Unanswered Questions About Pakistan Cricket-Food For Thought

11-Why Pakistan always lost all important matches after world cup 1992 like quarter final 1996, final 1999 and matches against India?

12-Do the chief selectors of all teams go with their teams in tours. If no then what is the special quality that our Moeen Khan has. Why Waseem Akram always support him?

13-Why before world cup a campaign was launched against Misbah ul Haq, who was behind it and have all those players have accepted his captain ship?

14-Why the spot fixers are being forgiven and M Yousuf, Inzamam and Saeed are being neglected?

15-What the connection of Indian PM’s phone call to our PM before all important matches between India and Pakistan?

16-In spite of great performance why nobody stopped Misbah ul Haq from retirement. Is he the only hurdle between …….. and ……………?
17-Does the traces of match fixing are still present in our team? if not then reply the above mentioned questions.

18-Why not a single person with an excellent past record is not traveling with our team. Is the mafia is still working but now it operates in just most important matches. Who is head of this mafia who is operating from outside the team. Master mind of all defeats is one but i can not point out his name as only circumstantial evidences are available against him, and such evidences are not acceptable in any court of law. But his name has been given in this post. I assure you all those people who are playing their role in the defeat of team Pakistan, will have to face the music soon.

19-Why no audit report about the cricketers of Pakistan is available? How Shoaib Malik spent so much money on his wedding?

I know nobody will reply these questions but these are food for thought for us and we need a corruption free society so will continue to raise the questions which will be food for thought for those who love this country as its our right, team Pakistan is ours and Pakistan too. I pray that may my all questions be wrong.  But i could not remain silent on this insulting defeat. Visit your own website daily for reading articles on food for thought.

Some Unanswered Questions About Pakistan Cricket-Food For Thought
Courtesy Daily Express