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Telecommunication Engineering Introduction, Jobs, Career, Scope & Nature of Work

Telecommunication Engineering Definition, Introduction, Jobs, Career, Required Abilities, Scope, Salary, Eligibility Criteria  & Nature of Work

Now a days every one has mobile phone and after launch of 3G and 4G technology in Pakistan Telecommunication sector in Pakistan is making rapid progress. Soon 5G technology will also be introduced. Need of telecommunication engineers is also increasing all over the world. Its engineering discipline of 21st century. Due to shortage of qualified communication engineers mobile service providers and interment service provider companies are hiring even diploma holders in Pakistan on handsome salary. Students are still not aware that its the field of future with great scope and job prospects.

Telecommunication Engineering Introduction, Jobs, Career, Scope & Nature of Work

Telecommunication Engineering Introduction, Jobs, Career, Scope & Nature of Work


Due high profit margin Telecommunication companies offers better salary packages to their employees than any other sector. Even 5G is not the end of technology as we have just entered in this new horizon of technology i.e telecommunication. You will see dramatic progress in this field in near future. Even i do not agree with Microsoft which has announced the no new version of windows will be introduced after windows 10. Its impossible as very are living in an ever changing world. Microsoft will have to introduce new version of windows too in future to save its market. Note down my prediction, same is the case with telecommunication field. Lot of new unexpected technologies will be introduced in future, Its the right time to enter in the evergreen field of telecommunication engineering.

Telecommunication Engineering Definition
Its a field where we use the principles of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science to to enhance telecommunication systems.

Telecommunication Engineering Jobs, Career & Scope
Internet Service Provider Companies
Land Line Phone Service Provider Companies like PTCL
Mobile Phone Service Provider Companies
TV Channels
Radio Stations
Communications Satellite Manufacturing Companies
Cable TV Networks
Academia like Engineering Universities & Colleges
Cable Inter Networks
Vocational Training Institutes
Research Organizations
Scientific Research Journals
Commercial Optical Fiber Communications System Developer Companies
Due to global revolution in this sector you may find jobs in international companies too. Developed countries offer immigration on preference basis to telecommunication engineers.

Required Skills in the Field of Telecommunication Engineering
Latest technology lovers
Research oriented individuals
Interest in development of modern communication techniques
Creativity and problem solving skills
Ability to work together as a team with experts of other related fields
Analytical and logical mindset

Nature of Work
You have to work on following positions;
Telecommunications systems test engineer
telecom design experts
Telecommunications network engineers
Telecom network planning experts
Telecom executives
Wireless network systems experts
Optical network systems experts
Data network systems experts
Next generation network systems experts
broadband technologists

Eligibility Criteria For Admission in Telecommunication Engineering 
A candidate must have cleared the FSc Pre Medical or A-Level exam with required marks i.e 60%. Entry test is also mandatory for admission in Telecommunication Engineering.

Salary in private sector depends upon your practical skills and experience in sub field of telecom engineering for which you are going to apply. So try to get internship during your studies period for getting a job of your choice immediately after completing your graduation. In government sector you will be given salary of BPS 17.

Stay in touch with us and our facebook page for career counseling about different disciplines of Engineering.