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TEVTA Free Evening Vocational Training Courses 2024

TEVTA Courses Will Be Introduced in Evening. 
TEVTA is going to introduce large number of free evening vocational training courses. Chairperson TEVTA Irfan Qaisar Sheikh has announced that TEVTA will start free evening vocational training courses without demanding any extra budget from government of Punjab. More than 60000 students will be trained in short evening vocational courses.Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority is getting recommendations from industry for developing syllabus of free evening vocational training courses. TEVTA is committed to fulfill the requirements of the local industry.


These demand driven short courses will help the students in finding reasonable job in their trade as TEVTA courses are respected a lot in local and international job markets.  Soon the eligibility criteria will be announced in the newspaper ad. We shall also upload the newspaper ad on this page. You may read the details in the newspaper cutting below this post. If you want to get information about any free course then write free courses in the search option, which is visible in the side bar of our website. TEVTA has also started registration for Ustad Shagird RPL program. Its too a revolutionary step by Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority.


TEVTA has also announced admission in large number of free technical courses. Its also a great initiative by Punjab government, as we need skilled work force for rapid progress. Other provinces of Pakistan should also follow the successful model of TEVTA.  Ad about these vocational training courses has been given below. Regular classes will start from …………………… Free vocational training will be given to about 5 lac unemployed  youngsters. Selected candidates will be provided free admission, free training material and 1000 rupees monthly stipend.  Visit your favorite website ( and its facebook page daily for guidance about latest free courses.

TEVTA Free Evening Vocational Training Courses 2024

Ad for 2024 has not been released till now.




TEVTA Free Evening Vocational Training Courses 2016