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Thesis & Dissertation Help Tips

How To Write a Dissertation  or Thesis ? Some Super Tips
Students of postgraduate level have to write a dissertation or thesis to compete their degree. Specially in MS, M.Phil and PhD degrees dissertation (thesis) writing is considered the final exam. Students have to chose a topic related to their field to write a thesis. Many students face difficulties in gathering information and facts about their research paper topic. In this article we shall share some dissertation help tips.

Can We Rely on Dissertation Writing Services?

Many agencies and individual provide dissertation writing services but remember that these individuals and dissertation writing service provider companies provide you copied material. So you should try to avoid all of them for sake of your future and career as nowadays its not a hard task to detect the plagiarism.  Originality has its own value and it gives you confidence on your self.Primarily you should focus on first hand information which you can gather by interviewing the concern persons personally, studying the original documents and observing the things. Secondarily you can collect information and specially ideas from dissertation written by other scholars. Here again some lazy students try to copy the information given in the research papers of earlier students. After little bit of changes they use this data in their own thesis. Again its a wrong strategy as facts and figures some times changes on daily basis and when you will use outdated information in your paper, it will be very easy for an experienced supervisor to detect it. Here i give you an example that many websites are copying the original content produced by but we can easily detect it with the help of copy scape that our which articles and even which lines have been copied by which websites. So plagiarism is not a solution at all.

Dissertation Help

Thesis & Dissertation Help Tips

So you should rely on primary source more as its the basic and more authentic mean of collecting correct information. Use secondary source just for references and getting idea about previous work and work pattern of previous students. Your supervisor can guide you better about how you can use primary source in best manner. Here are some dissertation help tips.

You should get letter of introduction from your supervisor before visiting any place or interviewing anybody otherwise you will have to face many difficulties in the field. Before a comprehensive survey or interviewing many people, you should prepare set of sample questionnaires and response sheets.We are living in a digital era you may also use multimedia recorder for this purpose. You can collect secondary information from libraries. Libraries specially the reference libraries are the primary source of secondary information. But here you will have to search a lot for collecting your required information. Read Encyclopedias, reference books and latest foreign and local research journals You will get information about more related books from these resources. Remember that it is mandatory to take takes while reading any book.

Obviously you will collect many garbage too. At this stage you should scrutinize the collected information. Only use the best and most trusted references.These reference will help you in making your final bibliography.

After gathering the data from all sources make an outline for your research paper. samples are available on dissertation help site on internet and in reference libraries too. Plan every thing very and with full concentration at this stage as now the thesis writing stage is going to begin.

We do not provide  dissertation writing services but we can help you in this regard, Now it seems that you are ready to jump into the water. Here is the basic structure for writing a dissertation ;

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables

It is a 100 percent wrong perception that your findings should match with the research of other scholars of your field. Thesis is written to present our interpretation of a topic based on collected primary data, You are free to present a new theory but its foundations must be build on logic. Cover all necessary aspects of the topic and convey your complete views about it. There is always a need of justifying your research in a convincing style. If you will compare your findings with others to prove that why your understanding is the best, it will certainly impress the supervisor.

Give other researchers their due credit by quoting their names and books in foot notes. Language should neither be difficult nor easy but according to the ideas. Remember that grammatical and spelling mistakes will destroy your first impression. Avoid repeating the same vocabulary again and again. Write your research paper in such a way that it does not divert the attention of  examiner till the end. There should be logical development of ideas, Use latest figures from the authentic source and do mention the source, Last but not least also focus on presentation and bibliography. Visit the the best educational website of the world daily, yes which ever you think is the best for reading dissertation help articles.

Note – Author of this article about dissertation help article is senior retired professor of King Saud University Riyadh Saudi Arabia, who has joined our panel recently. We are thankful to him for producing such a useful article for our visitors and hope that he will continue to write for us and you.