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Top 10 Natural Methods for Termite Control (Urdu-English)

Top Ten Easy Methods for Termite Treatment in English & Urdu Languages
Do you wish to keep your house completely free from the attack of termite and cockroaches? Well having termite inside the house is quite a lot common and dealing with those termites all alone can be little hard. At the same time, hiring professional services can cost you so much money. In this scenario, performing some homemade remedies is the best option for you for termite control which we are about to share below with you one by one.


Salt plays an important role when it comes to put a control on the growth of termite. You just need to add small amount of salt in the warm water in a quantity which can easily get dissolved in the water. Now as it gets mixed you need to apply it over the corners of the house which are prone to termite.


White Vinegar
You can make the effective and beneficial use of the white vinegar as well when it comes to controlling the termite inside your house. You just need to take white vinegar and add two small table spoon of salt in it. Now add it in the spray bottle and perform it over the areas that are prone to the termite. You have to perform this whole process at least twice times in one day.


Soap Water
Soap water will basically form a thick solution which will stop the growth of the termite to get increased. You just need to add soap in the warm water. Now add it in the spray bottle and perform it over the areas that are prone to the termite. You have to perform this whole process at least twice times in one day.


Tobacco Smoke
The use of tobacco smoke for controlling the termite growth is another important remedy which can help you a lot. You have to apply the tobacco salt with oil over the wall areas which are affected from the termite. Make sure that the tobacco salt is wet so that it can easily be absorbed inside the wall.


Mostly termite will grow at a high range over the cardboard places. In that sake you can take a piece of cardboard in case if you experience the growth of termite on it. Make sure the cardboard is wet. Once it gets filled with the termite, place it under the sun. This is such an effective and easy method to perform against the termite control on your own.


You may also use following methods for termite treatment;
Kerosene or lamp oil is also helpful for controlling termite.
You may also use borax for the same purpose.
White vinegar can also control termite.
You may also spray the water of meat or beef for killing termite.
Azadirachta indica (Neem) oil or orange oil will also give you positive results. More details about these methods have been given below in Urdu language. Keep visiting us for more tips on termite control.


Top 10 Natural Methods for Termite Control (Urdu-English)

Top 10 Natural Methods for Termite Control (Urdu-English)