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Top 30 Websites For Getting Free Online Diploma or Certificate

30 Best Websites For Online Education
Now a days there is a great trend of online study specially those who want to continue their study while working try to get some sort of online diploma in their trade/field for better career growth. After the axact scandal students are hesitating not willing to get admission in any online university, but we think that there is no harm in choosing free platforms for getting online diploma or certificate. Here on this page we have given list of 30 best websites for getting online diploma or certificates.

Top 30 Websites For Getting Online Diploma or Certificate

Top 30 Websites For Getting Free Online Diploma or Certificate


Majority of these websites are offering free courses while some are taking nominal fee from their students. If you have an urge to get some extra qualification then these are the best options for you. You can join any course from anywhere in the world. These websites are in fact getting funds for their free services from different donors. So there is no risk of loosing your money is involved in all these platforms. Online diplomas and and certificates of these sites are respected all over the world. If you can not afford fee and still wish to continue your education then visit these websites and chose best free course for you.
2-Open Culture Online Courses
3-Khan Academy
7-Fun Brain
11-BBC Podcasts
12-University of Oxford Podcasts
13University of London Podcasts
16-Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative
17-MIT OpenCourseWare
18-UC Berkeley Class Centra
19-Harvard Extension
20-Stanford Online
21-iTunesU Free Courses
24-Academic Earth
25-The Open University
26-UMass Boston Open Courseware
28-Open Yale Courses
29-University of the People
30-Google Code University

Browse the websites of above mentioned institutions carefully and take the decision wisely. We hope that you will like to share these information with your friends too. None of these websites is Pakistan based, as unfortunately we Pakistani people do every thing for money only. Will you believe that founder of Khan Academy is a Bangladeshi-American. There is a need of launching such sites in Urdu by some Pakistani bloggers and educationists. If Almighty Allah will provide us opportunity, Inshaa Allah we shall try to take this initiative. We strongly recommend to all those students, who want to get admission in any university to read our article “How to check the accreditation status of any university“. Visit your favorite website and its facebook page daily for guidance about on line education.
Pros and Cons of Online Education