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Top Ten Career Options in 21st Century

Career Counseling – Top 10 Careers For Pakistani Students in 21st Century
If you confused about your future career then now you have reached on the page here you can get expert advice about top 10 career options. We always recommend you to listen the voice of your heart at the time of choosing your career. It is the most important decision of your life. Have you seen the the Three Idiot movie? The main idea of the movie is fantastic that one should work in the field of his/her interest. Never become the part of rat race or follow the current trends.

Top Ten Career Options in 21st Century

Top Ten Career Options in 21st Century

Trends will change with the passage of time but if you will be able to polish your God gifted talent then you will never have to face recession period in your whole life. Imagine famous cricketer Waseem Akram as a school teacher or Atomic scientist Dr Qadeer as an medical doctor. You can get extraordinary success only in the field of your natural talent but if you want to lead a life of 9 to 5 only then choice is yours. Its a tip which can make you a career counselor after studying our articles in courses and career category.

1-Career in Armed Forces
Being a Muslim we have firm believe that every Pakistani Muslim should at least once try to join Pak Army. If you want to join Pak army then read our following articles for further guidance,
How To Join Pak Army

Engineering is the field for those students who have creative mind and expert in Mathematics.Kindly read the following article of for guidance about various engineering disciplines.

Career & Scope of Engineering in Pakistan & Abroad Tips, Jobs, Branches

MBBS and BDS are not the two only options for medical students. There are many new options through which you can add the prefix of dr with your name. Kindly visit our medical category for detailed guidance about different medical fields. Also read our article Alternative Options of MBBS & BDS.

4-Education As a Career
All the Prophet of God were teachers for human beings. That;s why its a sacred profession. If you could not become the king then become a king maker. We have written detailed article on career and scope of teaching profession in Pakistan. You will find many useful articles regarding teaching in our educational articles and courses & career category.

5-Career as an Civil Servant
If you are a power conscious person then join the civil service. Here i want to clear on you that majority of power conscious persons are the patients of inferiority complex. So try to get power just to serve the people or for your personal protection. You have three options to become a civil servant i.e
We recommend you to try for all these three options simultaneously. For below sixteen grade you should apply for NTS, ETEA and departmental tests too. We have written detailed articles on all these options in our Test category.

6-Legal Profession
Being a lawyer i know that even a junior lawyer enjoys many privileges in a third world society. Several times my juniors have beaten patwaris, traffic warden excise clerks and even police officers. Its called “Wukla Gardi” in Pakistan. I am strictly against this practice but in a society like ours its a usual practice and every where rule of “might is right” is being implemented. We need to change this whole culture. You can become judge, public prosecutor and legal advisory through this noble profession. Yes its a noble profession but only for those who want to help others. LLB is a much better degree than simple MA.


7-Media Jobs
Media has become the fourth pillar of state now a days. Lawyers and journalist are two strongest pressure groups in a society. They are ruling the country after politicians and establishment. Establishment, politicians, lawyers and journalists are not accountable to any one in Pakistan. Media is a wide term as anchor persons, photographing staff, print media reporters, technical staff, editorial staff and even correspondents are considered the part of journalist community. I am running a human rights and legal journal and i am too considered a journalist. Read our following articles for further career counseling.

Career & Scope of Journalism & Mass Communication

8-Career in The Field of Accountancy & Commerce
If you are good in accountancy and statistics then commerce and accountancy are two best further study options for you. Visit our commerce and accountancy categories for reading the articles on the scope of various related courses and degrees.

9-Career As Manager or Businessman 
If you ant to launch your on business or you want to get a managerial or administrative post then go for degree in management. BBA and MBA are two most recommended degrees in this field.

10-Online Career
We are living in a cyber age. You can earn unlimited money through different computer and online jobs. Visit earn money category of for guidance about large number of methods of making money online.