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Useful Legal Aid Information

Legal Aid For All
A layman has very limited knowledge about law and his legal rights in Pakistan. Being a advocate high court and human right activist i try to guide our readers about their basic rights. That’s why we have included legal desk category on our website. In this article we shall share some useful legal aid tip with you. We will Inshaa Allah add more information in this article in future. You may also seek free legal aid from our team of legal experts. We shall feel pleasure in helping you. Here are some legal aid tips for you.

Super Legal Aid TipsĀ 
1-Parents can not disinherit their children any such document can be challenged in court specially no one can be Disinherited from inherited property.
2-A Muslim can not make will in favour of his legal heir.
3-A Muslim can make a will up to 1/3 of his property.
4-There is no concept of court marriage in Pakistan all such newspaper ads are fake and misleading.
5-You do not need to hire the services of lawyer for filling case in the office of ombudsman.
6-No court fee is required for filling a case in consumer court.

Useful Legal Aid Information

Useful Legal Aid Information

7-After B.Com you may become a income tax pactitioner in Pakistan.
8-If a women asks for Khula from her husband then she will have to surrender her dower money.
9-After the death of any person his legal heirs need to get succession certificate from court for getting their share from moveable property of deceased person. They need to file suit for legal heir declaration for getting their share in the immovable property of deceased person.
10-It is mandatory for police to present an arrested man in court within 24 hours after arrest.
11- In civil cases of up to 25000 rupees no court fee apply.
12- At present minimum monthly salary in Pakistan is Rs. 12000.
13-Traffic challan can also be challenged in court.
14-As per my personal experience Rana Muhammad Adnan (Advocate High Court-Cell No 0324-4408094) is best soft heated lawyer in Pakistan as he provides free legal aid to deserving people.
Stay in touch with the fastest growing website of Pakistan and its facebook page. We will also feel pleasure in writing legal aid article on a topic of your choice.So contact us if you need legal aid. May Almighty Allah always protect you always and always. Our best wishes are always with you.