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Narendra Modi is the leader of BJP and his party has won the elections in India. He is a extremist Hindu leader, who believe in Ram Raj in the whole subcontinent. His father was a hawker who use to sell tea at railway station and her mother was a house maid. He got married at the age of 17 year but he never lived with his wife in fact in his whole political life he hide his marriage. He joined  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) which is a notorious extremist Hindu organization.

In 2002 when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujrat, he sponsored and patronized the extremist Hindus for killing thousands of innocent Muslims in Hindu Muslin riots. Whole the world community condemned these riots and killing of Muslims and even USA and many Western countries banned the entry of Narendra Modi in their countries. He is a so brutal person that in election campaign, he was urged to beg pardon for Gujrat riots, but he refused to do so. World knows him with the name of butcher of Gujrat and the Butcher Modi.

Narendra Modi Next Prime Minister of IndiaWho is Narendra Modi and why the world is against him?

He is a fascist leader who apparently don’t own Hitler’s policies but in real politics he follows racialist policies. Corporate India funded him in the recent election.”Ab ki bar, Modi Sarkar” was the famous slogan which proved to be true. All the Muslims of India are afraid of his land slide victory in the elections. All other minorities are also feeling themselves insecure now.  Indian secularism which was the binding force among the people of different races and religions in India is in danger under “Modi Sarkar”.

Some critics are saying that Modi has won in this elections but India has lost. Land slide victory of Modi will increase extremism in India. Now it is the testing time for Modi as the world is against him rather afraid of him and he will have to prove through his policies that he is not a danger for the world peace. World has respected the mandate of Modi even Prime Minister Pakistan Muhammad.Nawaz Sharif has congratulated him and invited him to visit Pakistan. Now the ball is in Modi’s court he will have to prove that the assumption about him among the whole world was wrong.

He has no other option because Pakistan is an Atomic power and India can not afford a atomic war. As far as minorities of India specially Muslim are concerned, they should realize that it is not 1930(Era of Hitler), now the civilized world will not tolerate racialist policies. BJP and Narendra Modi will have to follow the Vajpayee’s policies towards its neighbors and Gandhi’s policy towards minorities. otherwise India might lose its unity, as it is a historical fact that India was never a country. It is a subcontinent and the binding force between different nations in India is secularism. Lets see does Modi realize this reality or follows the Hitler’s doctrine. Visit your own website and its face book page for latest reviews about different hot issues related to current affairs.

Who is Narendra Modi and why the world is against him?

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