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Why ISI Pakistan is The Best Intelligence Agency of The World?

Why Inter Services Intelligence ISI Pakistan is The Number One  Intelligence Agency of The World?
Have you ever noticed that why in Indian movies always they name Pakistani general Gul Hameed. In fact its Hameed Gul, who taught many lessons to India and RAW and after almost 25 years of his retirements India has not forgotten him. I can not explain the reason in this article. Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) is defending Pakistan on many fronts. Its role in war against terrorism is remarkable. Without intelligence sharing with ISI, USA and his allies can get no success in Afghanistan.

This is the only intelligence agency of the world which has defeated a super power i.e USSR. This great agency is competing RAW, Khad, Mossad, CIA, MI 6, MI 5 and KGB simultaneously. In spite of its limited resources no agency could defeat it. ISI Pakistan is custodian of our atomic program. Agency has failed many conspiracies against our nuclear and missile program. Its our first defence line. General Akhtar Abdul Rehman was its proud head, who alone planned a gorilla war against USSR. Being an intelligence agency of the one and only Islamic ideological state, it never used inhuman tactics against rivals that’s why its a pride of all Pakistani.

Why ISI Pakistan is The Best Intelligence Agency of The World?

Why ISI Pakistan is The Best Intelligence Agency of The World?

No country could defeat taliban in the world,but we are fighting a successful war against them due to intelligence of ISI Pakistan. Have you ever heard that any country has arrested a agent of ISI. No, certainly no, in spite of having a brave network of spies in all over the world, we never heard any such news ever. It shows that how professional and patriots are our brave intelligence agents. Being a peaceful country Pakistan believe in noninterference in the affairs of its neighboring countries, otherwise ISI can easily teach them unforgettable lessons.

Although we have many other intelligence agencies but none of these is equivalent to ISI Pakistan. Even now Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries are requesting us for intelligence sharing for Yemen crisis. That means that ISI has its network in Middle East countries too. This is the only intelligence agency of the world which has arrested most number of terrorists. I assure you that there is no political wing in ISI Pakistan and its just a propaganda of our enemies. Agency should be given more funds as it play the role of our eyes and ears. Now a days it is also playing an important role in Karachi operation against terrorists.

Ok now we give our arguments one by one about why I.S.I is the best intelligence agency of the world.
1-It has defeated a super power in Afghanistan i.e USSR.
2-It is successfully competing the Indian agency RAW. Remember that India claim that she is a too a super power.
3-CIA and USA needs its help for safe exist from Afghanistan..
4-World could not access to our nuclear installations due to its strict vigilance.
5-Only intelligence agency which can ensure peace in Afghanistan.
6-Even Israel is afraid of our I.S.I.
7-Russia, UK and even USA could never invade Waziristan but we are successfully launching a operation there.
8-Middle East countries are looking for ISI help in Yemen crisis.
9-Iran has failed to patronize rebellion in Baluchistan due to our pride.
10-India, sorry i can not explain this point due to security reasons. I want to explain it but my love for ISI and my country do not allow me to do so.
In short ISI is pride of Pakistani nation and every Pakistani love this great asset of our beloved country. Long live Pakistan. Long live Pak Army. Long live ISI Pakistan.

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