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Why Pakistan Army is The Best In The World?

Why No Body Can Defeat Pakistan Army?
Pakistan Army is considered one of the best armies of world. I am saying it not being a Pakistani. Its the army which successfully defended its country in 1948 and 1965 wars. Ya, i admit that in 1971 we had to face a defeat in East Pakistan but it was not a military defeat. We lost that war just due to poor policies of politicians. If India is so superior to us then why it has failed to conquer West Pakistan. American has failed to defeat Russia in Ukraine but Pakistan Army has defeated the USSR. No country could defeat taliban except Pakistan.

Pak Army has defeated the taliban twice, once in Swat and once in North and South Waziristan. Even British forces could not succeeded in this area. Even after the becoming atomic power in 1973, India could not even think to attack Pakistan. In winter of 1984, Indian armed forces captured a part of Siachen Glacier but when our forces took position on Siachen Glacier after that India could not capture even an inch of Siachen Glacier.

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Why Pakistan Army is The Best In The World?

Its an military rule that an army can defeat any country which has 3 time lesser military power than its opponent. Indian armed forces have much better military force than Pakistan army still India could never attack Pakistan after 1971. Pak army has played a great role role in Arab Israel wars of 1967 and 1973. India had to launch air attacks defend Kargil in 1999. Now again Saudi Arabia is seeking the help of Pak Army to fight against rebels in Yemen. China is becoming a super power as Pak army is not ready to become a part of international conspiracy against China.

Our armed forces have played a great role in United Nation’s peace missions in many countries. Azad Kashmir is still out of the reach of Indian armed forces due to our brave soldiers. Our youth love to join Pak Army, we can recruit more than 50 million soldiers. Islamic world knows the passion of our youth and soldiers that why they look towards us in any crisis situation and by the grace of Almighty Allah we have never disappointed them. Bangladesh has much more population than us still its army is much weaker than ours. I am sure that only Pak army can defeat ISIS as it had already defeated the taliban. No other country could defeat the extremists and terrorists except Pakistan. If world want to defeat terrorists then it should support the best army of the world.  ISI has best intelligence network in Asia.

All our enemies are afraid of this great intelligence agency of Pakistan. It has defeated Khad, RAW, CIA and Mossad many times. Only Pak army can bring peace in Asia. Our armed forces can now manufacture all types of military equipment including atom bomb, fighter air crafts, long and short range missiles, drone planes, submarine and all types of emulation. Our soldiers  do not take their profession as a job, they fight just to please Almighty Allah that’s why they are number one in the world. If you also want to serve the nation and 100 job satisfaction then join Pak Army. Now our has become a professional force and it has no any political aim. By the grace of Almighty Allah now no big power can neglect our military power. Our got our country in the name of Allah that’ why we are soldiers of Islam. In fact Pakistan is going to become mini super power and Asian tiger soon. Its my prediction and i am 100% sure by the grace of Almighty Allah that in Armageddon our armed forces will play the decisive role. Inshaa Allah.