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Agriculture Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Courses, Tips & Required Skills

Agriculture Introduction, Definition, Jobs, Courses, Suggestions, Tips, Career & Scope in Pakistan  
Agriculture is the oldest profession of the world.Its a branch of Biology.  Agriculture is all about cultivation of crops, farming of animals and producing of food, leather, meat. milk, wool and other related products. Pakistan is an agricultural country. More than 70 percent of our population live in villages and more than 55 percent of total population of our country is associated with agriculture field. Unfortunately majority of our farmers have no scientific knowledge about their field. They are still using old techniques in farming. Unfortunately our government has also failed to guide the farmers about latest research in agriculture. We suggest that government should start mobile classes in the field of agriculture. It would be a great initiative by Pakistan government. We can provide complete blue print of our idea on the demand of government.

Agriculture Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Courses, Tips & Required Skills

Agriculture Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Courses, Tips & Required Skills

Due to rapidly increasing population we need to introduce new methods of farming to guide the farmers for increasing our per acre production of crops.

Suggestions & Tips
1-FSc agriculture program should be launched.
2-Distance learning universities should introduce new programs related to farming.
3-Agriculture should be taught as an compulsory subject right from class 6th to 10th.
4-Government should implement new agricultural reforms.
5-Graduates or Master degree holders in agriculture should be given 12 acre land for cultivation. ZTBL should give easy loans to such graduates.
6-Agriculture education should be given in Urdu and local languages.
7-Government should publish guiding books on farming, poultry farming, cattle farming, dairy farms, fish farms and on all allied topics in Urdu and local languages. Farmers should be given certificates on clearing the exams of such books.
8-Government must introduce a corporate farming scheme.
Government should provide interest free loans to farmers for tube wells.

Nature of Work
Farmers cultivate the crops as per the need of their country.
They grow trees to increase the production of fruits.
Agriculture graduates guide the farmers about different new techniques for increasing their per acre production.
They guide the farmers about farms of different kinds like dairy, cattle, fish, bird and honey forms.
They work as guardian of nature.
They guide the farmers about treatment of prevention of different kinds of plant diseases.
They do research not only in field but also in labs.
They write hand books for farmers.
They also do research in the field of livestock.
Some of them work as marketing and quality assurance officer in food companies.
They discover and invent new processing techniques in research labs.
They invent new variety of seeds with greater productivity ability.
They do research in the field of pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides.
They guide the farmers about new methods of irrigation and producing bio fuels.

One must get at-least Bachelor level degree in agriculture for bright career in this field. Those who want to join academia or research field should at least get MS or PhD level degree. General farmers should get certificate or diploma is the area of their interest.

Agriculture Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Agriculture Department
Agricultural Research Department
Agricultural Labs
Farm Houses
Horticulture Department
All Agricultural Industries
Pesticide and Herbicide Companies
Fish, Poultry and Cattle Farms
Seed Industry
Agri Industries Research Field
Public Agricultural Industries
Livestock Department & Labs
Floral Industry
Multinational Agri-Based Industries
Tissue Culture Labs
Food Industries
Community Farming
Feed Industries
Land Scaping in Private and Government Housing Schemes
Agricultural Universities & Colleges
Federal & Provincial Live Stock Department
Agriculture and General Banks
Genetic Engineering & Soil Testing Labs
Artificial Fertilizer Companies

Job Types
Business Owner
Agri Banker
Lab Technician
Government Servant
Agri Industrial Worker
Farm Administrative