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Anatomy Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Tips, Salary & Nature of Work

Human Anatomy Introduction, Jobs, Career & Scope, Super Tips, Salary & Nature of Job  
Anatomy is also a basic medical science like Physiology, Biochemistry, Bio-mechanics, Biophysics, Cytology, Embryology, Genetics, Histology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Nutrition Science, Pharmacy and Pathology. Medical schools of all kinds need the experts of basic medical sciences. Anatomy is the first and most important medical science. It is the study of the structure of organisms. Its most important branch is human anatomy which is about the physical structure of human beings. You can not become a medical expert of any field without having complete knowledge of anatomy. Anatomy of animals is called zootomy while anatomy of plants is called phytotomy. Most important of all these branches is human anatomy. But for DVM students animals anatomy is more important. A good medical doctor of all fields must have good knowledge at least about Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacy.

Anatomy Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Tips, Salary & Nature of Work

Anatomy Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Tips, Salary & Nature of Work


In the earlier ages religions were the biggest hurdle in the development of this field. Dissection of human body was considered a worse crime and sin. Muslim scientists started the dissection by experimenting on monkeys, After renaissance period Western scientists also started experiments in this field. Now the church was not in the position to oppose even human dissection. This was a giant step in the field of medicine. Thanks to Muslim scientists and scientists of renaissance period who laid the foundation of this basic medical field.

In present age if you want o become Allopathic doctor, Homeopathic doctor,herbal doctor,Pharmacist Surgeon or Physiotherapist then you will have to study this subject very minutely. I still believe that even now we have just discovered maximum 50 % realities about this field. There is still need of lot of research at organ tissue and cellular level.
Its a best field for those doctors who want to join medical colleges of all kinds as a lecturer. A medical researcher can not do research in any field without having sufficient knowledge about anatomy.

Veterinary doctors need to have command over anatomy of at least all domestic animals. Fortunately due to natural classification system its not hard to understand the anatomy of any member of a specific phylum. You just need to focus on key differences among different important species.

Deep study of this subject will help you in understanding the fraud of Darwin’s evolution theory. If you have interest in this topic then study the books of Muslim creationist Haroon Yahya.

Anatomists are given very high salary all over the world. You can find job not only in Pakistan but also abroad.

Nature of Work
Anatomists develop artificial organs.
They teach in medical institutes.
They do research on the topic of structure of organisms.
They help the medical scientists in the fields of general/plastic surgery, medicine, physiology, space medicine, environmental health and pathology.
You will have to study throughout your career due high speed research in this field.

Anatomy Career & Scope
Job Types
Applied researcher
Biological technician
Lecturer in medical, homeo, herbal, physical therapy and pharmacy colleges.
Medical journalist
Academic books writer
Laboratory-based jobs

Employment Areas
Academic Medical Publishing
Medical Colleges
Homeopathic Colleges
Easter Medicine Colleges
Veterinary Universities
Speech and Language Therapist
Paramedical Institutes
Nursing Colleges
Physical Therapy Institutes
Pharmacy Colleges
Research Institutes
For more details read our article “Physiology Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Core Topics, & Required Skills“.

Golden Tips
1-An Anatomist must have sufficient knowledge about other allied basic medical fields like Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathology.
2-You must go for postgraduate study for getting high profile jobs in your field.
3-Never go for any degree or field without having interest in it.
4-There is a great scope of animal and plant anatomy too other than human anatomy.
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