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Career & Scope of Education in Pakistan, Degrees, Jobs & Required Skills

Career & Scope of Education in Pakistan, Degrees, Jobs, Job Types, Benefits, Employment Areas & Required Abilities 

All Prophets of Almighty were the teachers so its a holy profession. One can satisfy his/her soul by teaching the kids. When you give out put to others then definitely you will get your input too. All the actions in this world have their reactions equal in quantity but from opposite direction. So if you are sincere teacher then you will not only be rewarded in this world but also in the life hereafter. In Pakistan there are basically three main branches of education i.e
General Education
Health and Physical Education
Special Education

Career & Scope of Education in Pakistan, Degrees, Jobs & Required Skills

Career & Scope of Education in Pakistan, Degrees, Jobs & Required Skills

You may proceed in any of these fields as per your natural talent and aptitude. If you are interested in pre school education then go for Montessori courses. If you have a strong body and talent for any natural game then you must go for Health and Physical Education field. If you have kind heart and excellent communication skills then Special Education should be your first choice. Its an ideal field for females specially in Pakistan.

Degrees of Education in Pakistan 
There are following major degrees in the field of Education in Pakistan ;
BEd Technical Education
MA Education/SE/Health & PE
Fortunately majority of degrees in this field are available through distance learning too. You may take these programs as private candidates too. Its a best further study options for females right from matriculation. Fortunately education is too a scoring subject in Pakistan, If you want to join the teaching field then opt this subject from Matriculation to Doctoral level. There is a great demand of qualified teacher in Pakistan.

Jobs, Career & Scope of Education in Pakistan
Employment Areas
Private Educational Institutes of All Types
Print and Electronic Media
Primary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Higher Secondary Schools
Education Department
SE Department
Vocational & Professional Training Institutes
Teacher Training Institutes
Special Teaching Training Institutes
Physical Education Training Institutes
Technical Training Teachers Training Institutes
Home Tutor Providing Agencies
Government Educational Institutes of All Kinds
Special Education Institutes
Physical Education Institutes
Owner of Educational Website
Career Counseling Firms
Vice Principal
Kindergarten & Montessori Institutes
Policy Making Departments
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
Punjab Education Department
Higher Education Department
Freelancer Websites & Mags
Social Welfare Department
Psychological Clinics
Curriculum Development Department
Coordinator jobs
Jobs in Educational/Special Educational departments, BISE, PEC and HEC.
Publishing Houses
Educational Business Owner

Job Types
Subject Specialist
Home Tutor
Science Teachers
Humanities Teacher
Commerce Teacher
IT Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Physical Instructor
Coordinator in schools and colleges of all kinds
Oriental languages teacher
Primary Teacher
Online Tutor
Montessori and Kindergarten Teachers
Psychologist and counselors
Curriculum Developer
Educational Coordinator
NGO Worker
Community Mobilizer

Who Should Join Teaching Line?
1-Those who want to play the role of game changer in the society.
2-Education department has increased the salaries of teachers a lot. So those who want to lead a tension free life must join this line.
3-People with a mission in life must join teaching field as here you will not only get job satisfaction but also good salary.
4-Those who want to work just maximum for 5 to 6 hours a day.
5-Those who want to enjoy long summer and winter holidays with pay.
6-Those who want to start some extra business in evening.
7-Those who want to deliver their knowledge to next generation
8-Those who have excellent communication skills.

Stay in touch with, its sister website and facebook page for guidance about career and scope of education in Pakistan.