Essay on Ramazan with Outlines in Urdu & English

Urdu & English Essay on Ramazan with Outlines For School, College & University Students
In the month of Ramazan, which is regarded by Muslims as the holiest of months, Muslims fast out of their own free will. Not merely for spiritual sustenance or for self-improvement, but because of the historicity of fasting as an integral part of various religions & its long-standing presence in history throughout different eras. This has certainly been the case for Islamic cultures. As a result, I want to share a brief in-depth essay about the history of fasting throughout different religions, the benefits & positive effects Ramazan fasting brings & the symbolic reward of Eid ul-Fitr at the end of the fast.



Fasting in Various Religions of The World

The Ramadan fast has its roots in much earlier forms of religious fasting before the Islamic era. Historical records of the pre-Islamic civilization of both Arabia & the West show that abstinence was a recurring practice that was conducted in both religious & non-religious contexts. These older practices involved sacrificing food, drink or animal offerings to deities while the Muslim version of fasting includes abstinence from food & drinks during the sunlight hours of Ramadan.



English Essay

Essay on Ramazan with Outlines in Urdu & English


Fasting prior to Islam has roots which go back to ancient pre-Christian religious practises of abstinence. In followers of Christianity, prophecies of fasts are present in the scriptures of the Bible. During the time of Jesus, fasting was a part of the Jewish tradition with the Gospels of Jesus showing examples of it, especially during the period of Lent. In the Hindu religion, fasting is also a prominent feature, with examples such as Vrat, Upavasa & Ekadashi being well-known examples. Fasting has prominent importance in the Zoroastrian religion as well, with the greatest of these being Yozdah-ravaam.



Purpose of Fasting in The Month of Ramazan

Fasting serves several purposes in Islam, such as the spiritual purification of oneself & the observation of one’s faith. In Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to boost their spiritual piety & practice self-discipline while abstaining altogether from food & drink from sunrise till sunset. This is helped further by the fact that Muslims are to share in the practices of charity during this month which helps strengthen the communal ties of the Muslims.



Wonders of Ramazan

The Muslims also benefit on the physical side of fasting as well. At its most basic, fasting improves digestive processes, as less food is eaten which helps regulate weight & can even assist with the curing of certain illnesses. Additionally, fasting can help in treating instances of diabetes, hypertension & even aid in detoxifying the body. Fasting can also help to alleviate certain kinds of pain & un natural hunger, allowing one to become more liberated from certain addictions & psychological issues.






The practice of fasting during Ramadan is also incredibly beneficial for the both our body & mind. By putting ourselves through regular periods of fasting, our bodies are essentially given a much-needed cleanse; the importance of which cannot be overstated. Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells & when they’re not overburdened by digesting food they can focus on healing and clearing our bodies of toxins. From a mental standpoint, fasting helps us to practice self-control, patience & increased mindfulness – which are all essential elements if we want to achieve optimal health.



Eid ul Fitr After Ramadan

At the end of Ramazan, the Muslims are rewarded with the observance of Eid ul-Fitr. This joyful & festive celebration marks the end of the fasts & is a day where people come together to rejoice & express gratitude for the successful completion of the month long fasting period. Not only is it a day of gratitude & celebration, but a symbol of unity & the spread of peace.



Positive Effects of Ramazan on My Life

When I look back on my life before Ramazan & before I had a chance to experience the transformative power of fasting, it has been an incredibly positive transformation for me. I have been able to develop my spiritual & mental capacities further & I am able to work on building more better habits. Furthermore, I now appreciate the gift of having a healthy body more than ever before. In short, the observance of Ramazan in my own life has enabled me to explore my spiritual & physical needs, as well as to bond more closely with my faith & become more unified & connected to the spirit of community. For this, I feel rewarded & thankful.



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Final Thoughts

At the end of this English essay we can say that Ramazan is the month of countless blessings for Muslims as it comes as a symbol of hope for us. Fasting in this holy month helps us in our character building as we pay zakat, fitrana and sadqa in this holy month. We try to become true Muslims, who believe on presence of Almighty Allah in each and every place of the world, that’s why we do not eat or drink anything even in solitude. You must read our following English essay too;


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Essay on Ramazan with Outlines in Urdu & English