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FIA Helpline No, Email, UAN, Online Complaint Form, Fax & Cell No

Federal Investigation Agency Pakistan FIA Helpline Number, Landline No, Mobile Numbers, Emails, Toll Free Number, Online Complaint Registration Form & Fax Numbers of All Zones & Departments

Federal Investigation Agency works under the ministry of interior govt of Pakistan. This agency was established in 1975. It deals with the crimes related to smuggling, drugs, currency crimes, foreigners, terrorism, corruption, cyber crimes, theft of electricity, oil & gas, human trafficking, immigration, passports, banks, Interpol, intellectual property rights and federal departments. On this page we are going to share details about FIA helpline, email address, UAN, fax # and online complaint form.


FIA Helpline No, Email, UAN, Online Complaint Form, Fax & Cell No

FIA Helpline No, Email, UAN, Online Complaint Form, Fax & Cell No


FIA Helpline Number & Email ID
111 345 786 is general FIA helpline no. You may dial this number any time from all parts of Pakistan. You may also send your complaint through email at Land line FIA helpline number for local and overseas Pakistanis is +92-51-9261104.



FIA Helpline No, UAN, Fax # & Email For Crimes Related to Electricity, Gas, Oil Theft
FIA has also established (EGO)-Anti theft Unit. Its helpline no is 786-345-111. Fax number is 051-9260077. and are two email addresses of this special electricity, gas, oil anti theft unit.



FIA Helpline # For Overseas Pakistanis
OPCC is a department of FIA which address the complaints of overseas Pakistanis. OPCC stands for Overseas Pakistani Complaint Cell. Director Immigration FIA Pakistan deals with such complaints. His official number is 051-9260951. You may also send complaints at fax no 051-9262908. Online complaints from overseas Pakistanis are also received at and Federal Investigation Agency has also appointed a special focal person for addressing the complaints of overseas Pakistanis. Contact him at phone number 051-9262547. Overseas Pakistanis may also file their complaint to the Wafaqi Mohtasib (Federal Ombudsman).


FIA Helpline No, Email, UAN, Online Complaint Form, Fax & Cell No


FIA Helpline No & Online Complaint Form For Reporting of Cyber Crimes
You may submit your complaints related to any kind of cyber crimes at the email of You may also report cyber crimes on FIA helpline number 9911. This cyber rescue service is available round the clock. You may also call at 051-9106384 or visit Through the links given below you may submit your online complaints. List of important phone numbers have also been given below. Stay connected with for more information about FIA helpline.


Click Here To File Your Complaint Online in FIA


Click Here To View Phone Numbers, Email & Fax No of FIA Officers of All Zones & Head Office Islamabad


How To Avoid Cyber Harassment? Helpline & Online Complaint