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Health and Physical Education Jobs, Career, Scope, Core Topics & Tips

Sports, Health and Physical Education Core Topics, Employment Area,  Subjects, Job Types, Syllabus, Degrees, Super Tips, Curriculum Career & Scope in Pakistan 
Health and Physical Education is one of the best subject specially for sportsmen. If you a talent of any sport then you must study Health and Physical Education right from intermediate to Master level. This subject will polish your hidden talent and equips you with better techniques. You will have and edge on your competitors at the time of selection. Even after your retirement from any sports, you will be able to stay in touch with your favorite sports as a coach, trainer, physical instructor, umpire and referee.

Health and Physical Education Jobs, Career, Scope, Core Topics & Tips

Health and Physical Education Jobs, Career, Scope, Core Topics & Tips

You will taught about the basic techniques and rules of all famous games. Sportsman who have better idea about rule can perform well in the ground. You will also be able to maintain your physical fitness through out your professional career.
There is a great demand of sports coaches, trainers, physical trainers in all major sports. You may get job from club to international level.

Health and Physical Education Core Topics, Subjects, Syllabus & Curriculum
Here is the list of core topics and subjects taught in Health and Physical Education right from intermediate to Master level. A true sportsman should go for at least master degree in this field.
1-Introduction to Basic Concepts of Health and Physical Education
2-Historical background
3-Movement Education (All movements of human body)
4-Track and Field ( Introduction of all major national level track and field events like different races, throwing the javelin, high jump and relay race
5-Physical Fitness
6-Outdoor Pursuits (like Revering, hiking & hill trekking, senior guides, youth hosteling etc)
7-Community Health (Public Health problems & their symptoms, causes & prevention)
8-Meaning and Scope of Health Education in Pakistan
9-Effects of Exercise on Human Body
10-Corrective Physical Education
11-Personal Hygiene
12-Massage Utility and kinds
13- Environmental Pollution and its effects
14-First Aid (Theory & Practicals)
15-Human Anatomy
16-Religious Rituals and Education Movement (Importance of games & exercises in Islam)
18-Effect of Exercise on the Following Systems of Human Body:
A-Muscular system
B-Respiratory system
C-Circulatory system
D-Nervous system
E-Fatigue and relaxation
19-Games & Sports (Rules and techniques of all major games)
20-Viva Voce
22-Nutrition (Role of balanced diet, diet for sportsman)
23-Safety Education
24-Recreation (Introduction and importance of all mental & physical recreational activities)

All developed countries have separate Council of Sports Sciences to regulate the education of Health and Physical education just like PMDC and PEC. Hopefully soon HEC will think about this option too for regulating and launching more professional degrees and diplomas in this field.

Health and Physical Education Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Sports Clubs
Regional and Provincial teams of all sports like cricket, Hockey, Football, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Tennis, Athletics etc
Sports Academy
Sports Medicine
Sports Physio
Female Gyms
Assistant Sports Physio
Armed Forces
Fitness Centers and Clubs of all kinds
Police Training Center

Job Types
Physical Therapist
Athletic Coach
Teacher of Physical Education
Gym Instructor
Lecturer in Colleges and Universities
Physical Therapist
Health Educator
Athletic Trainer
Gerontology Adviser
Yoga Master
Health Educator
Sports Journalist
Master Trainer
Physical Trainer

Super Tips
1-Go for professional level courses of your related sports.
2-Sports science and rules of all games are changing very quickly now a days so you should remain in touch with latest advancement.
3-Chose one game/sports right from start of career and get maximum extra knowledge and diplomas in that specific game.
4-If you want to become a physical trainer then try to get 2 years Physiotherapy Technology diploma.
5-If you want to become a umpire or referee than go for related professional courses after graduating.
6-Read books written by experts regularly and do not bother about salary at the initial stage of your career as at that stage you need experience first.
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