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How CPEC Will Become a Game Changer in World Politics?

Current Affairs-How CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) Will Make China and Pakistan Super Powers?

CPEC is the abbreviation of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. It will decide that who will rulee the world in 21st century. Its will become a real game changer in the world politics. CPEC has even potential to introduce a new world order. USA South Korea, Taiwan and Japan are worst enemies of China. Philippine as an USA alley has joined this club. China has become most rapidly growing economy of the world. It is going to defeat even USA and Japan too in near future. China has become biggest buyer of Middle East oil. USA now do not need Middle East oil due to its newly recovered shell oil reserves. Now this club of evils is trying to capture the South China Sea to cut off the oil supply to China from Middle East to reduce the speed of its economic supply.  This evil club has won the case in the international court of justice through Philippine.

Final & Official Map of Pak China Economic Corridor Route

How CPEC Will Become a Game Changer in World Politics?

CPEC will prove an alternative of South China Sea route for China for oil supply from Middle East countries. It will also reduce the transportation charges for Chinese exports, resultantly prices of Chinese exports will reduce more. It will help China a lot in capturing the all world markets.

Russia was struggling to get access to warm waters for last 200 years. CPEC can provide her access to warm waters without any problem. Russia has also joined CPEC. Even six Muslim countries of central Asia are willing to become part to Pak China Economic Corridor as all these countries are land locked.

Gwadar is one of the best deep sea port. Now even Iran want to join it. You will soon see that lot of Western countries will join CPEC in near future as its just like a Suez canal. Many countries of the world who want to get an easy access to China Russia and Central Asia countries will become part of this project.

CPEC will save the future of oil riched Middle East countries too. It will be an alternative of South China Sea route to North Korea too. Russia has become friend of Pakistan just dew to this project as it can help her to interfere in Middle East politics too. It will also help Russia to get plenty of energy sources. Axis of Russia, China and Pakistan can present a new world order.


Pakistan will get unlimited benefits through CPEC. I ensure you that we shall be able to get an amount equal to our full year budget trough C.P.E.C in near future. China and Russia will help us in our security issues too. China is going to invest 50 billion dollars in Pakistan due to CPEC. Its just a peanut as large number of factories of China, Russia and Middle East countries will soon shift in Pakistan. Unemployment in Pakistan will disappear. We will be able to come out of slavery of Western countries. Pakistan will be become a regional super power till 2025 and alone super power mix till 2050.