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How to Create a Job Winning LinkedIn Profile? Tips For New Users

Learn The Use of Linkedin Pakistan-Make a Perfect Profile For Winning a Job of Your Choice Through in Urdu & English
This post is for those youngsters who have very limited knowledge about use and benefits of LinkedIn. is an ideal platform for job seekers. Here you create your profile professionally and employers visit this platform for selecting best employees for their organization. In this post we shall guide you both in Urdu and English languages about advantages of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is definitely becoming one of the most top leading and best platforms on the professional networking level. This platform has been presently in use by the 600 million people from all over the world. If you have been looking ahead to make your professional career strong and high in advancement, then heading to the LinkedIn platform is the best platform for you.


But in the middle of this whole concept, you have to make sure that you have already kept your LinkedIn profile optimized and updated as well. You will be in front of hundreds of professional industries and therefore, creating an impression profile is so much important.



Right here we are sharing with you some of the important tips which you need to keep in mind when creating a job winning profile on LinkedIn:


Adding Your Headshot
The first thing which you need to be conscious about is that you should be putting your fresh face with the name on top of it. This will work as your main profile picture as well. You should make sure that you are creative enough with your profile photo so it can instantly grab the attention of the industries and professional networks. Hundreds or millions of people are using this platform, so if you photo is not professional, then instantly you will be pushed back.


Creating an Attractive Headline
You have to locate the main headline over the right below side of your name which will be on the profile. This is the very first ting which almost every single visitor will read out. You will be permit to use 120 characters, so make sure you add something attractive as well. You can take this headline as the small billboard which you are using for some advertisement purposes.


Creating an Eye-catching Summary
The next most important thing is creating the summary of your profile. This is the place where you can get an option to explain all the professional skills in a form of story. In this section you will be given a freedom to explain in at least 2000 characters to explain yourself on deeper terms. You should make the use of words with which you can easily get yourself connected with the specific field.


Highlighting Your Experience
The last most important thing which you need to be careful about is highlighting your experience. You don’t need to be too much descriptive when it comes to the explanation of the past experience of your career. You should keep it short and try to cover all the achievements which you have gained till now in your whole lifetime. Make sure you explain them all.


Prepare Your LinkedIn Profile Just Like Your CV
You must follow the techniques of resume writing while preparing your LinkedIn profile. It must be impressive enough to win a job for you. Give maximum time on making an attractive profile on This one time exercise will pay you in the long run.



So these have been few important and basic points which you need to remember when you are making your LinkedIn profile. Stay focused and keep your whole conversation as to the point. This will probably be helpful for you to achieve all your goals and aims.



Bonus Tips For Making Job Winning LinkedIn Profile

1-You should get a custom URL for your LinkedIn profile. This option is available free of cost on this platform. Add your name in the URL.


2-Use keywords related to your targeted jobs in your profile, so that it may appear in the search of employer.


3-Never stuff extra material in your profile, it should be precise and full of useful information about your skills and experience.


4-Give details about your previous successes, your plan of action and its effects on growth of company.


5-Avoid grammatical mistakes. Highlight past results and future goals.


6-Never show that you are unemployed at present.


7-You must add pictures, video clips and slide show presentations in your profile summary as it will showcase your past work.


8-If you know any extra language like Chinese or French, do mention it in your profile. If you have worked as volunteer or internee in any organization then mention such details too.
9-Try to get maximum recommendations on LinkedIn from your previous employers or project givers.


10-Update your profile regularly on monthly basis. If you are running any youtube channel or blog related to your field then share your videos and posts on LinkedIn too.


12-Join LinkedIn groups related to your field as it will connect you to your industry and you will be able to get job too. Share your views in discussions.


13-You should have minimum 100 connections on LinkedIn. Both fewer and large number of connections have their side effects. Always add people who know you.


Below we have given the super tips for beginners in Urdu language about “How to Create a Job Winning LinkedIn Profile”, you must read them too.


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How to Create a Job Winning LinkedIn Profile? Tips For New Users

How to Create a Job Winning LinkedIn Profile? Tips For New Users