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Latest Breaking News about Coronavirus Lockdown Situation in Pakistan 2020

All The Breaking News on Spread of Coronavirus and Lockdown in Pakistan
At present coronavirus is spreading very quickly in Pakistan. It was expected that Pakistan will also join the death club of China, Iran Italy and Spain, that’s why Pakistan government has decided to impose lockdown in Pakistan. Lot of rumors are being spread on social media. We have decided to keep you informed about all the latest breaking news about lockdown and coronavirus. We shall try to share just authentic breaking news on this page of


Here are some key headlines about coronavirus lockdown in Pakistan;


Army has been deployed in all the provinces of Pakistan.

Just one person will be allowed on bike. This condition is not for families.

Grocery stores and medical stores will remain open.

Banking time will be from 10 AM to 4 PM.

Three thousand rupees monthly will be given to 7 million poorest families of the country for 4 months.

Government has reduced the interest rate to 11%.

Govt has decreased the price of petrol and diesel up to 15 rupees.
Taxes on pulses has been removed.

In Punjab coronavirus lockdown will continue till 6th April, 2020.
One doctor has dield in GB due to coronavirus infection.

Information minister of Sindh Saeed Ghani has also become its victim.

Just medical stores will remain open in Sindh from 8 PM to 8 AM.
If you want to get latest breaking news about Coronavirus lockdown in Pakistan then visit this page daily. We have also written some very useful posts on corona virus and lockdown. Here are the links of these posts;


How To Survive During Coronavirus Lockdown? Top 20 Tips & Guidelines


Free Food & Lab Test For Coronavirus Patients in Pakistan by Akhuwat-Helpline


How to Avoid Coronavirus? Tips in Urdu & English


A Quick Look At Coronavirus Infection, Symptoms, & Treatment (Urdu-English)


Latest Breaking News about Coronavirus Lockdown Situation in Pakistan 2020

Latest Breaking News about Coronavirus Lockdown Situation in Pakistan 2020

Latest Breaking News about Coronavirus Lockdown Situation in Pakistan 2020



Latest Breaking News about Coronavirus Lockdown Situation in Pakistan 2020


Latest Breaking News about Coronavirus Lockdown Situation in Pakistan 2020