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NGO Registration Procedure in Pakistan-Step By Step Procedure

NGO Registration Guide in Pakistan-Requirements & Process
If you have been planning to start off an NGO organization in Pakistan, then this blog post will be coming across as a lot informative and helpful for you. Right here we will be explaining some of the basic and important guidelines which you need to keep in mind when applying for the NGO registration in Pakistan. Let’s have a quick look:


Introduction about NGO
NGO is the abbreviation of “Non-Government Organization”. These NGO centers or organizations are working as a private sector which does not involve the interference of the Government at all. They are not associated with the Government not they are connected with any private company to perform the functions. They run their NGO center through the private funding or on their own expenses. They function for the needy and poor people in the society in the form of charity work.



NGO Registration Procedure in Pakistan-Step By Step Procedure

Currently there are large number of local and international NGO centers that are working in Pakistan on legal terms. An NGO center can start working for the society after getting registered by following certain rules and regulations.

Points To Be Remember About NGO Registration in Pakistan
1-In Pakistan you may register and NGO under Societies Act of 1860 and The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration & Control) Ordinance, 1961.

2-NGO will have to present following record at the time of registration;
Printed cash book, ledger, stock register, minutes register, membership register, inspection register, receipt books and membership forms. PLS joint bank account in any scheduled bank is also a requirement.

3-Now its very difficult to register an NGO in Pakistani without following the due procedure as government is scrutinizing this sector very strictly, so avoid hiring the services of any agent or giving bribe for registration of NGO in Pakistan.


NGO Registration Process in Pakistan
Now let’s step ahead to the main topic of discussion which is about setting up an NGO in Pakistan through the registration process. Below we are discussing a quick guideline for you to have a brief knowledge about the registration process:

The amount of NGO registration fee will be around Rs. 1000. This registration fee has to be submit in the branch channel of National Bank of Pakistan through the treasury Challan.

All the members who have been involved in the set-up of the NGO they are required to submit the attested CNIC copies. Even the partners or NGO employees are required to submit it.

Trust deed certified copy is also required to be submit which is required to be registered by the sub-registrar.

Proper checking of the NGO location will be done to make sure that it is completely settled with all the needed facilities.


Why NGO Registration is Important?
As we have already mentioned that NGO has been working as a private organization which does not involve the interference of the Government! I n this deed it is important to learn that why it is required to get registered when it is functioning as a non-government organization. The reason why registration is done is to make sure that the organization is working for the betterment of the society people and is completely following all the rules and regulations that have been set -up by the government. In case any such complaint has been made against any NGO for violating the Government rules, a strict action will be taken against them.


So if you want to work as a social worker in Pakistan and is planning to set up your own NGO center, then don’t forget to register them first. A legal NGO registration process will allow you to work in the society on legal basis. Follow the guidelines carefully which we mentioned above for you.


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