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Online Vehicle Registration Verification in Punjab

MTMIS – Online Vehicle Verification Punjab/Lahore
Punjab government has now provided the facility of online vehicle registration verification. Due to this unique system online verification of vehicle has become very easy and you can check online vehicle registration Punjab without visiting the office of excise and taxation department. You just need to enter your car or bike number for viewing its registration record. Now kindly check the record of your car or bike for your satisfaction. As when i checked the record of may bikes and car i was surprised to see that the bike which i bought some months before is not in my name. Dealer had taken fee from me for transfer of papers but now it seems that he had done nothing in this regard. After writing this article, i am going to see him to clear this issue. So you should too check record of your all vehicles.

 Online Vehicle Verification Online Vehicle Verification

At the time of buying a car or bike online vehicle verification facility will help you a lot for avoiding any fraud. Its a great facility provided by provincial government as people had to suffer a lot for vehicle registration check in the past. Some times they had to pay bribe and stand in long queues. People who have ever dealt with excise and taxation department know well that how slowly this department works and what were the prerequisite of getting quick information from this department. Now there is no need of giving bribes to touts as through this new service of vehicle registration check has been made it very easy and simple. .

You can view a link in bold letters below this post which will take you to the page from where you can easily check online vehicle registration Punjab. Post registration transaction tax calculator and new registration tax calculator are also available on the page which will appear before your after clicking the link given below. If you have any query, you can call at toll free helpline number of excise and taxation department Punjab i.e 08000-8786. Visit frequently for latest technology alerts.

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