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Pakistan Saudi Arabia Relations & Atomic Cooperation

International Current Affairs – Pakistan Saudi Arabia Relations & Nuclear Cooperation
Today in this article we shall discuss a burning current affairs issue i.e Pakistan Saudi Arabia relations & atomic cooperation. It is an open secret that Pakistan Saudi Arabia relations are very good but Pakistan is an responsible atomic power and it can never handover its atom bombs to any country. RAW and India are spreading baseless news about Pak Saudi atomic cooperation just to defame Pakistan. Recently a newspaper of UK published a story about Pak Saudi nuclear cooperation, we are 100% sure that RAW India is behind this story too.

India, Israel and Western countries have not digest the fact that a Muslim country has also become a nuclear power. They want to cap or reverse our nuclear program but it is impossible now. World should admit that we are not Iran, South Korea, Libya or Iraq. By the grace of Almighty Allah It is near to impossible rather absolutely impossible to reverse our atomic program. Western countries will have to change their attitude towards Pakistan for the sake of peace in the region.

Pakistan Saudi Arabia Relations


Pakistan Saudi Arabia Relations & Atomic Cooperation

OK, now come to Pakistan Saudi Arabia Relations, in fact we are two countries but one nation. We know that Pakistani workers are exploited in Saudi Arabia but our relation is more with the land of Saudi Arabia rather then people or government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Recently national assembly of Pakistan has passed a unanimous resolution that attack on Saudi land will be considered an attack on Pakistan. Pakistan will defend even an inch of this holy land. Iran is our neighbor still we did not care about our relation with Iran in his regard. Nobody in the world can imagine that how much a Muslim love and respect his holy places. A Muslim can sacrifice his life, family, children, wealth in short any thing for the defence of holy land.

Here is the basic point that in case of any aggression Pakistan army will have to provide nuclear umbrella to Saudi Arabia on the pressure of public. USA has also provided nuclear umbrella to many countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia. There is hell of difference between transferring the nuclear technology and providing nuclear umbrella. People of Pakistan will never allow any government to leave the Saudi Arab alone in case of any aggression, so all those countries who have bad intentions and plans against holy land should remember that Pakistan will fight against them as a front line state.

Pakistan Saudi Arabia relations are unique in nature as we can not even think to leave Arabia alone in any crisis, but of course it was very difficult for us to join the Arab alliance against Yemen due to our internal problems. Hopefully soon defense agreement ill be signed between Pakistan and Arab countries. In fact all Muslim countries should enter into a defence agreement like NATO and Warsa pact. OIC can play an important role in this regard. Last but no least  we Pakistani people warn the world to never even think about attacking Saudi Arabia, we will teach you a lesson. I am a moderate Muslim but i can also sacrifice my life for my holy places so………..  Stay in touch with us for latest current affairs alerts. Visit us daily for latest alerts about current affairs and Pakistan Saudi Arabia relations.