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Tevta Announces Admission 2024 in Free Online E-Commerce Course, Apply Online

Admission 2024 in Tevta Digital & Enabler’s E-enrollment , E-training, E-Commerce & E-Employment Free Program

Tevta has launched E-Commerce course in Punjab. Its an e-learning based short course of 2 months duration. No fee will be receive from students for this E-Commerce course as its free for all. 30% seats have been reserved for females. Women development department Punjab, Paigham-e-Pakistan and Enablers are collaborating with Tevta digital for launching this free e-commerce course in the province. Admission 2024 are now open in ecommerce program. Interested students are directed to get themselves register before the official deadline.



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Eligibility Criteria

1-Valid CNIC with Punjab address.
2-Age of students should be between 22 to 25 years.
3-Applicants should have passed at least intermediate exam.
4-If age of the candidate is between 22 to 30 years then family income should be below 50000 rupees.
5-If the age of applicant is above 30 years then his personal income should be below Rs.50000/-.
6-Students should have facility of laptop/PC/smart phone and internet connection.
7-You should have good communication skills in English language.



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How To Apply For Admission 2024 in Tevta Free E-Commerce Course?

First of all read the eligibility criteria then if you are eligible visit for submitting your online application for e-enrollment. For e-enrollment you need to provide information about your gender, name, father name, cell no, age, email ID, CNIC #, highest qualification, family income, personal income, city and province.



Content of E-Commerce Course

This ecommerce course is all about selling products on Amazon, EBAY and You may also be given full Fiverr and freelancing training. In short after this virtual training you will be able to work as freelancer and e-commerce expert. You will also be able to launch your online e-commerce store. So if you want to work from home then join this skills development program by Tevta.


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Tevta Announces Admission 2024 in Free Online E-Commerce Course, Apply Online

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