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Why Pakistan Deserve To Become The Permanent Member of UNSC?

Current Affairs – Pakistan Deserves To Become The Permanent Member of United Nations Security Council  
Now a days its a hot current affairs issue that which countries should become the new permanent members of UNSC? I am 100% sure that Pakistan deserve to become the permanent member of United Nations Security Council. United Nations Security Council is responsible to maintain peace in the world. No country of the world can play a better role than Pakistan for world peace.

Germany, Brazil, Japan and India claim that they deserve to become the next permanent members of UNSC. Our case is much stronger than all these countries. None of these countries has better tract record for maintaining world peace. Pakistan army is has taken part in lot of peace keeping missions of UNO.
Pakistan is the only Muslim atomic power of the world. Our army and intelligence agency ISI are the best in the world. Our army is included in the top ten military powers of the world. Our nuclear assets are much better than India, which is the only atomic power among the candidates of permanent seat of UNSC. Our missile technology is also much advanced than India. We have defeated the super power in Afghanistan.



Why Pakistan Deserve To Become The Permanent Member of UNSC?

There is no representation of Muslim countries in UNO, which is a very sad fact. Pakistan is the leader of all Muslim countries that’s why all gulf countries including Saudi Arabia are seeking our help in the war against rebels in Yemen. Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country by population. These facts prove that we deserve to become the permanent member of United Nations Security Council. If no Muslim country will be included in the UNSR then serious questions about the authenticity of UNO and UNSC will arise.

Pakistan has scarified 50000 lives in the war against terror. We are playing the role of front line state in this war. Our army is the only army of the world that has defeated Taliban. I admit that Germany and Japan are more advanced countries than Pakistan but India and Brazil have no edge on us. India is not implementing the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir while Pakistan has never disobeyed any resolution of United Nations Organization. Even UNO has acknowledged our services for world peace. Germany and Japan both are neither nuclear powers nor they have stronger army than us.
Pakistan has great mineral resources and in coming years, it will become a economic power too. We do not have any dispute with any permanent member of UNSR while India has boundary dispute with China.

Third world, Asian and non aligned countries also take Pakistan as their leader as we always tried to help all these countries. Population wise too Pakistan is ahead of Brazil, Japan and Germany.

Pakistan is the first defence line against the Taliban, Al qaida and other extremist organizations. We are the guarantor of peace and stability not only in Asia but also in the whole world. If India will be made the permanent member of UNSC then it will be a clear cut in justice against the Muslim countries specially Pakistan. It will force them to think about Islamic or third world UNO. Visit us daily for reading current affairs review.