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World General Knowledge For NTS, OTS. PTS, ISSB, PMS & CSS Exams

World General Knowledge For Job Tests of All Kinds

Its our sixth post in general knowledge category. If you are in lower classes then still you should read these information about world general knowledge as it will be also helpful for you in your school and college  exams. General knowledge increases your confidence so read these information about world general knowledge regularly.


1-Baffin is the biggest Canadian island.
2-Indonesia and Kenya lie on equator.
3-Hemmatite is an important ore of iron.
4-Blue colored diamonds are more the most precious and rare.
5-The Koh-i-Noor is claimed to be the oldest large diamond.
6- The smallest continent of the world is Australia.
7-The least populous continent of the world is Australia.
8-The most uninhabited continent of the world is Antarctica.
9-The most densely populated country in the world is Monaco.
10-Black sea is in the north of Turkey.


11-Jupiter is the biggest planet.
12-Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system.
13-Venus is the brightest planet.
14-Auckland is in New Zealand.
15-Tasman sea separates Australia from New Zealand.
16-Melbourne cricket stadium is the biggest cricket stadium in the world.
17-National hockey stadium, Karachi is the biggest hockey hockey stadium in the world.
18-Seychelles is in Indian Ocean.
19-The biggest tomb in the world is The Mount Li Tomb.
20-The most beautiful port in the world is Sydney port.

World General Knowledge


World General Knowledge For NTS, OTS. PTS, ISSB, PMS & CSS Exams


21-The biggest airport in the world is King Khalid international airport.
22-The biggest park in the world is the National Park of Pelustone of USA.
23-USA has the most cinemas in the world.
24-Japan is the biggest motor vehicle producer country.
25- Canada and United States have the longest frontier in the world.
26-USA has the biggest budget in the world.
27-China is the country with the most physicians.
28-The country with the most radio stations is USA.
29-The country with the maximum number of post offices  is India.
30-USA is the country with leading electricity production.


World General Knowledge – Interesting Information

31-USA is the country with the largest oil consumption.
32-China is the biggest coal producing country in the world.
33-Mexico is the biggest silver producing country in the world.
34-Chile is the biggest copper producing country.
35-Australia is the biggest wool producing country in the world.
36-Brazil is the biggest sugar cane producing country.
37-India is the biggest sugar producing country.
38- Disney world is located in Florida(USA).
39-China is the biggest rice producing country.
40-Russia is the biggest barley producing country.


41-USA is the biggest wheat exporter in the world.
42-USA is the biggest exporter of corn.
43-Japan is the biggest importer of corn.
44-Iran is the biggest rice importer country.
45-Sri Lanka is the biggest tea exporter country.
46-India is the biggest tea producing country.
47-UN Security council have 15 members.
48- Five permanent members of UN Security council have veto power.
49-USA, Russia, U.K, France and China are the permanent members of UN Security council.
50-George Washington was the first President of USA.


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