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How to Hunt a Job of Your Choice

Learn The Art of Job Hunting
Job hunting is an art and those who knows this art never feel difficulty in finding a job of their choice. It is not hard to master this art. In this article we shall guide you about the basic things which are necessary to adopt for a successful job hunting campaign.

Tips and Tricks About Government & Private Job  Searching

First of of all you must short list the areas in which you want to get job. Basically you can find job in three areas, first the field in which you have got degree, secondly the area in which you have natural talent and thirdly general office/desk or marketing jobs. There are only few people who gets degree in the area of their basic interest and talent. People belonging to this category can get job easily. The reason is very obvious that these people takes their job as a hobby and they spend more time on improving their skill in that particular field than a ordinary man, so they excel from others. Their expertise are much better than their competitors and their passion for their work impresses the employer.

How to Hunt a Job of Your Choice


How to Hunt a Job of Your Choice

But majority of people gets a degree in a popular fields and due to high competition they have to face difficulty in finding a job. Now these people either should change their career path or they must take interest in their field. Talent makes its path its self. Get recent information about your field. Go for refresher courses in your field. Stick to the internet for improving the knowledge of your field and give self suggestions to your subconscious mind that you have great interest in your field. It is called self programming. It will increase your interest in your field but false self suggestions will lead you to no where. Sincerely and from core of your heart take interest in your field and then give self suggestions to your subconscious mind. After some time you will be able to face any interviewer with full confidence and your confidence and skill level will win job of your choice for you. One another thing is also very important, never neglect your natural talent and try to explore and polish it too side by side. It will open more job opportunities for you.

Job Hunting Campaign 

Your job hunting campaign also plays an important role in this regard. Apply in both areas, i mean to say in the area of your degree and in the field of your natural talent. Make a list of jobs which are related to both theses areas and then start searching and applying. Make your profile in all employment/jobs providing websites. Prepare your self for recruitment tests and interviews. Arrange demo interviews with your friend or any close relative and ask them to identify your mistakes during the demo interview sessions. Make a list of expected questions and prepare them first. You can make this list with the help of net and interview books.

Secrets of Getting a Jobs of Your Choice and Career Building 

Model papers and demo tests for many jobs tests are available on different testing websites. Search them on net and practice as much as you can. Book are also available in market about for the practice of  different written recruitment tests. Buy them and try to attempt all the tests. It will improve your confidence, which is key to success both in test and interview. Improve your general knowledge and knowledge about your field.

Consult our team of professional career counselors in case of any confusion. Read daily newspapers and even leave your resume personally in the companies of your choice. Many companies have made their job portals where job seekers can leave make their profiles and these profiles are saved in the database of these companies and at the time of future recruitment they also consider these profiles. So make your profile in all such websites. Last but not least learn the difference between IQ level and EQ level and improve your EQ level too. If your more interested in government jobs then read our articles on competitive exams like PMS, PCS and CSS. Stay in touch with us if you really want to learn some thing new and helpful daily.








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