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Powers of ASP, Protocol, Salary, Function, Comparison With DSP, AC & 2nd Lieutenant

What is ASP in Pakistan Police & His Powers, Protocol, Pay and Function, Comparison of Assistant Superintendent of Police With D.S.P, Assistant Commissioner & Second Lieutenant

ASP stands for Assistant Superintendent of Police. ASP is the highest entry level rank in Pakistan police. One can become ASP officer on clearing CSS exam, which the central competitive exam in Pakistan. ASP is a post of 17th grade and its salary is also as per the grade which at present varies from 31000 to 76000. ASP in Pakistan is basically in-charge of sub division in a district and he monitors about 2 to 3 police stations in his area of jurisdiction.


General policing work is the main function of A.S.P. Federal PTI government has decided that ASP will be posted as SHO too for improving the atmosphere of police station. This decision will be implemented in Islamabad first. Then in case of getting positive results ASP will also be posted as SHO in provinces.


Powers of ASP, Protocol, Salary, Function, Comparison With DSP, AC & 2nd Lieutenant  

Powers of ASP, Protocol, Salary, Function, Comparison With DSP, AC & 2nd Lieutenant


Powers & Protocol of ASP in Pakistan
Because Assistant Superintendent of Police is posted on the basis of CSS exam so he serve under the federal government of Pakistan. Generally a ASP is promoted on the post of SP within 3 to 4 years. He may be appointed as SDPO. SDPO is abbreviation of Sub District Police Officer. SHO of the sub districts work under ASP and Assistant Superintendent of Police work under DPO/SP. Its a misconception among CSS aspirants that ASP can suspend or transfer SHO under him. He can only grant minor punishments to the constable and head constables.


In KPK he may award minor punishments to the ASI too like deduction of pay. Remember that ASP has right to recommend major punishment to any of his subordinate to the senior police officials like suspension, dismissal from service and demotion. Generally senior police officers do not reject the recommendation of ASP. Protocol is not an issue for ASP as he heads many police stations. He is also provided house, guards, vehicle and domestic workers by government. His powers are much more than his salary.



Training of ASP Officer
ASP officers first of all attend Common Training Program which is commonly known as CTP. This training is given to all successful candidates of CSS exam at Civil Services Academy Walton Lahore. On successful completion of Common Training Program (CTP) candidates attend Specified Training Program which is known as STP at police academy Islamabad.


How To Become ASP in Pakistan? Eligibility Criteria

For becoming Assistant Superintendent of Police you need to pass central superior service exam in Pakistan. Minimum eligibility criteria for appearing in CSS exam is graduation. Candidates first appear in screening test. Then qualifier of screening test appear in CSS written exam. On clearing the written test candidates are called for psychological test and interview. We have written following articles to guide the CSS aspirants;


25 Super Tips For Competitive Exams Preparation (CSS, PMS, PCS) 


Top 50 Job Interview Tips For PSC, CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC & AJKPSC

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Vs DSP

ASP and DSP both have same grade i.e BPS 17th, but still post of ASP is much superior to DSP due to its nature and chances of promotion. Rankers are posted on the post of DSP after promotion from lower ranks i.e inspector, SI and ASI. Where as ASP is recruited directly through CSS exam. DSP gets promotion very slowly in his career where as ASP gets promotion to SP seat maximum within 5 years. ASP can be posted anywhere in the country where as DSP is posted within his province.


AC Vs ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police)

ASP enjoys massive powers but only within his department i.e police. ASP can arrest a person and also can release him on personal surety bond. He has power investigate the suspected criminals. He monitors all the police stations under his area. During his career he can become SP, SSP, DIG and even IG police.


AC enjoys powers in lot of administrative areas and department, but now he has no power in area of law and order. He needs the help of ASP for using his authority in many fields. We can conclude this discussion by saying that ASP has unlimited powers for maintaining the law and order at sub district level where as AC has supervisory control on provincial government departments. Both of them enjoys same salary, protocol and facilities. For more details about post of AC read following article of;


Assistant Commissioner Powers, Protocol, Salary, Duties, Tips For Becoming AC in Pakistan


Second Lieutenant vs ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police)

You can become a second lieutenant in Pak army through PMA long course. Second lieutenant can easily get at least major rank in army during his career. There fair comparison is possible between these two posts due to difference of nature of work of both posts. Second lieutenant is more respectful and hard job than ASP. Materialistically speaking ASP has more powers and protocol as compared to second lieutenant, but ASP also have to face political pressure.


Second lieutenant in his career gets a house at Askari, DHA or Cantt area through honest means. Second lieutenant also enjoys standard civic facilities like schooling, hospitals and secure living. Remember that during martial law and emergency second lieutenant enjoys more powers and authority than ASP. Last but not least watch following video of one of our sister youtube channel on powers of Assistant Superintendent of Police;