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Scope of Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) in Pakistan

Career Scope of Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) in Pakistan: Jobs, Salary, Benefits, Challenges, Future, Required Skills, Topics, Institutes and Tips
poultry farming has now become an industry and it plays a vital role in Pakistan’s economy as it provides employment opportunities & contributes significantly to the country’s overall GDP. The Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) has been introduced by various vet and agri universities of Pakistan to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals in this industry. Now lot of controlled and semi controlled poultry farms have been established in the country. Ostrich farming has also been introduced. Ayam Cemani/Kadaknath chicken (World most expensive black hen) farming is also on rise. There is unlimited demand of eggs. All these areas show the great demand for PAD dip. This blog post of aims to explore the scope of the PAD in Pakistan.


Scope of Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) in Pakistan



1. What is PAD?

The Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) is a specialized programme which has been designed to provide individuals with comprehensive knowledge & practical skills related to poultry farming & management. It covers various aspects of poultry production, including breed selection, nutrition, disease control & farm management.



2. Scope of Poultry Assistant Diploma in Pakistan:

The scope of PAD in Pakistan is incredibly vast. PAD diploma holders have a wide range of opportunities available to them in the poultry and its related industries . Its an admitted fact that the agriculture sector is the backbone of the country’s economy that’s why there is a growing demand for skilled poultry workers who can contribute to the efficient & profitable functioning of poultry farms.



3. Job Roles & Responsibilities:

PAD dip holders can pursue various job roles in the poultry industry like:
1- Poultry Farm Manager: He is responsible for overseeing the entire farm operations for example breed selection, feed management, disease control & financial management.

2- Poultry Production Supervisor: He works as in charge of supervising the day-to-day operations of the farm, ensuring proper care & maintenance of the birds and ensuring the production targets are met.

3- Poultry Health Inspector: Responsible for monitoring & maintaining the health of the birds, implementing disease control measures and conducting regular inspections.

4- Poultry Sales and Marketing Executive: Involved in promoting & selling poultry products, conducting market research and developing marketing strategies.

5- Poultry Feed Sales Representative: Responsible for selling poultry feed products to farmers & maintaining customer relationships.


These job roles offer not only immediate opportunities for employment but also provide avenues for career growth & advancement within the poultry industry.



4. Salary and Benefits:

The salary prospects for PAD holders at entry-level positions are quite promising. On average, a poultry assistant can expect to earn around PKR 25000 to 35000 rupees per month. Apart from the salary, many employers in the poultry industry also provide additional benefits like medical coverage, bonuses & opportunities for professional development and training.



5. Challenges in the Field:

Working in the poultry industry can come with its fair share of challenges. Some common challenges that poultry assistants may face include :

1- Disease outbreak: Poultry farms are susceptible to various diseases that can significantly impact bird health & production. Dealing with disease outbreaks requires quick and effective decision-making.

2- Environmental factors: Extreme weather conditions, such as heatwaves or heavy rainfall, can affect bird health and farm operations. Poultry assistants must be prepared to handle such situations.

3- Market fluctuations: The poultry industry is subject to market fluctuations, which can affect prices and demand. Poultry assistants need to adapt to changing market conditions & make informed decisions.


To overcome these challenges, poultry assistants should stay updated with the latest industry trends and advancements, continuously expand their knowledge & skills and develop a proactive approach to problem-solving.



6. Future of Poultry Assistant Diploma:

The future of PAD Dip holders looks promising considering the continuous growth of the poultry industry in Pakistan. The increasing population, rising consumer demand for poultry products & government initiatives to support agriculture and livestock sectors indicate a bright future for those pursuing a career in this field. Additionally, advancements in technology & emerging trends such as organic poultry farming & value-added poultry products present exciting opportunities for PAD graduates.



7. Required Skills ;

To excel as a poultry assistant, certain skills are essential. These include:
1- Knowledge of poultry farming practices: Understanding various aspects of poultry farming, including breed selection, nutrition, disease control & farm management.

2- Strong communication & problem-solving skills : Poultry assistants need to communicate effectively with farm staff, veterinarians & customers. They should also be able to identify and solve problems efficiently.

3- Ability to handle livestock efficiently: Poultry assistants should possess the skills to handle & manage birds effectively, ensuring their welfare and well-being.

4- Attention to detail and hygiene practices; Maintaining proper hygiene & cleanliness is crucial in poultry farming. Poultry assistants must pay attention to detail and ensure all necessary protocols are followed.

5- Basic understanding of farm management: Knowledge of financial management, record-keeping & farm administration is essential for successful poultry farm operations.



8. Duration and Eligibility Criteria :

Typically the PAD program is a two-year diploma course. To be eligible for admission, candidates must have a Matric Science background with a minimum of 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology subjects.



9. Recommended Institutes offering PAD:

a) UAF TT Singh Campus
b) CUVAS Bahawalpur
c) University Of Layyah
d) University Of Agriculture Faisalabad
e) UVAS Lahore

These institutes are known for their quality education, practical training & industry-relevant curriculum, making them ideal choices for aspiring poultry assistants.


Career & Scope of Livestock Courses & Degrees-Jobs, Core Topics, Benefits & Tips




The Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) offers exciting prospects for individuals interested in pursuing a career in the poultry industry. With a wide range of job opportunities, attractive salary prospects & potential for career growth, PAD graduates can contribute to the sustainable growth of Pakistan’s poultry sector. By acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and practical experience, aspiring poultry assistants can embark on a fulfilling & rewarding career path. So, if you are passionate about agriculture & livestock, consider pursuing the PAD program and seize the numerous opportunities waiting for you in the poultry farming industry. Here you may read an article on alternative Dip of PAD;


Scope of Livestock Assistant Diploma LAD in Pakistan, Jobs, Salary, Institutes, Tips


FAQs About Career & Scope of Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) in Pakistan

a) What is PAD?

The Poultry Assistant Diploma (PAD) is a specialized program that equips individuals with the knowledge & skills required to excel in the poultry industry.

b) What is the scope of Poultry Assistant Diploma in Pakistan?

The scope of PAD in Pakistan is vast, with numerous job opportunities available in the poultry industry. Graduates can work as farm managers, production supervisors, health inspectors, sales executives & feed sales representatives.

c) What are the job roles of a poultry assistant?

Job roles of a poultry assistant include farm manager, production supervisor, health inspector, sales & marketing executive and feed sales representative.