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Station House Officer SHO Police Job Description, Powers, Duties, Facilities, Salary, Tips

All You Need to Know About SHO Police Jobs, Who is a Station House Officer? SHO Responsibilities, Eligibility Criteria, Powers & Tips to Join Police Force as SHO
In this article, we will discuss the process of becoming a station house officer in Pakistan Police Service including powers, protocol, salary and duties of SHO.



An SHO is a station house officer, an officer who is in charge of a police station. The SHO is responsible for the day-to-day running of the station and for the welfare of the officers who work there. The SHO is also responsible for ensuring that the station is operated in accordance with the law and that its officers are properly trained and equipped to do their jobs.



Who is SHO in Police?

SHOs are the officers who are posted at police stations as in-charge. They are the first point of contact for the public and help them file their complaints against any crime. A SHO has to do everything from dealing with minor crimes like kite flying to major cases like murder. He has to be courteous and polite, but he can also be firm and strict at times.



SHO in Police Job Description

In most Commonwealth nations the SHO is the first port of call for members of the public, who need to report a crime or speak to an officer about an incident and as such the SHO plays a vital role in community policing. The SHO is also responsible for leading a team of officers and for maintaining high standards of professionalism and discipline within their station. The job description and duties of the police station in-charge or SHO are outlined below:

The SHO should make sure that all orders and instructions from above come to an effective implementation.

I believe it is well known that the job of a station house officer is not easy. It involves a lot of responsibility and you need to be able to handle it. A police station house officer should know the duties of his station, how the police stations work, what happens when a crime occurs and how he can help if needed.


A police station house officer has to do many things. He has to make sure that the person involved in a crime is brought to justice and that the accused are given appropriate punishment for their crimes. A police station house officer also needs to be aware of any other issues which might interfere with the operation of a police station as well as in its functioning. He also should be able to offer advice or support where necessary or required, both before and after an incident occurs.


When dealing with an incident involving someone else, a police station house officer should first try to take charge and take over from lower level officers if needed (for example in case of domestic violence or rape). When dealing with an incident involving a minor, he should ensure protection of minors under his care (such as children who have been thrown out by their parents), search for evidence and remove any obstructions from the scene (for example some bricks lying on ground). If there is no one at home at night, he should help children sleep safely at night (by taking them home). He also needs to be familiar with emergency situations such as fire and hospital emergencies as well as any other emergency situations which may occur in a police station such as floods or cyclones etc.


The most important thing about being a police station house officer is that you shouldn’t just do your job on command but that you should always carry out your duties properly!


Station House Officer Duties

The duties of a station house officer (SHO) vary depending on the size of the police station, but they typically include supervising patrol officers, responding to complainants and filing FIR. SHOs are also responsible for maintaining accurate records and writing reports. His duties includes overseeing the arrests, investigations, and detention of suspects. SHOs also provide support to other officers in their duties. The SHO’s main responsibilities include investigating crimes before filing FIR, issuing summonses, and conducting raids. He or she can also order officers to stop and identify themselves, detain suspects, and search vehicles.

Station House Officer SHO Police Job Description, Powers, Duties, Facilities, Salary, Tips


Station House Officer SHO Police Job Description, Powers, Duties, Facilities, Salary, Tips

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The SHO also has authority over personnel matters, such as disciplining officers, guiding new officers, and enforcing departmental policies. In addition to carrying out these duties, the SHO oversees daily operations of the station house including reception, booking, records management, patrol coverage areas, communication systems, security measures, meals service…etc. Now after police order 2002 investigation department has been separated from operation department in police station. Separate investigation in charge is appointed in each police station. After launching the FIR, case is handed over to investigation in charge. Investigation department is not now under SHO.



SHO Protocol, Facilities, Salary

SHOs have discretionary funds at police station. He enjoys lot of protocol and facilities. Facilities for SHO include gratuity, pension, house rent, marriage grant for kids, scholarships for children, transport facility, free medical facility for family and special facilities for family of martyrs. SHO receive the salary of SI or Inspector.



Benefits of Becoming SHO in Police

The benefits of becoming police station in charge or SHO are many. As the head of a police station you would be responsible for the safety of your community and would have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those who live there. You would also be able to earn a good salary and would enjoy a high level of job security. As the police station in charge you would also be able to develop strong relationships with other agencies and departments, which could prove beneficial in investigations and cases.



Station House Officer/SHO Powers

The station house officer (SHO) is the most senior police officer at a police station. In the United States the SHO is typically a sergeant. The SHO is responsible for the overall running of the station including managing personnel and resources and ensuring that police officers are deployed effectively. The SHO also liaises with other agencies such as the Rangers and represents the police force at local community events. The SHO has authority over all officers working in the station, and he or she can issue orders to them directly. The SHO also has access to a number of powers and facilities that allow him or her to effectively carry out his or her duties. FIR launching is the biggest power of SHO. In Pakistan SHO is considered unofficial king of his area. He powers are huge and he can get everything from his area on concessional price. There is need of more police reforms for checks on SHO’s powers and their misuse.


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How To Become SHO in Police?

The position of Station House Officer or SHO is a vital in the police force. To become an SHO an officer must be at least sub-inspector. The position is responsible for leading a police station and its team of officers and for maintaining law and order in the station’s jurisdiction. An SHO must be able to maintain calm in difficult situations be decisive and have excellent communication skills. You may become SHO in Pakistan directly after clearing PMS exam. You may also become SHO after clearing the public service commission exam for recruitment of SI. Remember that both Sub Inspector and Inspector can be posted as SHO. SHO is not a rank rather its a seat in police. Minimum eligibility criteria for becoming a SI or inspector in police is graduation.


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PTI government decided to appoint ASP as SHO in police stations so that educated, honest and talented youngsters may become the face of police department. This pilot project was launched in capital. In case of its success in capital Islamabad, SHOs in provinces will also be a appointed through CSS. New government should also implement this policy. Junior police employees (Like constable, head constable, ASI) can also become SHO after clearing the departmental exams and becoming Sub Inspector. Several times it was decided in police department that just inspectors will be appointed as SHO, but no IG police could implement on this decision due to political pressure. All MNAs and MPAs want to appoint the SHO of their choice in the police stations of their constituencies, for this purpose they use their political influence.


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Tips For Getting SHO Police Jobs

Your marks in graduation should be good. LLB is recommended degree for those students who want to become SHO in police. You primary goal should be CSS and PMS. During the preparation of these exams you should also appear in test for SI police jobs. Improve your general knowledge about IT, Pak studies, everyday science, current affairs, Islam Urdu, Mathematics, English writing skills, IQ level, EQ level and physical fitness. Join gym and take exercise regularly. Take part in debating competitions for increasing your confidence level and communication skills. Read and solve past papers of SI police jobs. Watch news channels and documentaries on youtube. Read newspaper and current affairs digests regularly. Buy sub inspector guide and prepare it as early as possible. Visit GK & MCQs category of study solutions on daily basis. If you have become ASI in police then prepare yourself for departmental promotional test right from day one. Our best wishes are with our readers and visitors.



A station house officer is a member of the police force, who has the responsibility to enforce the law within the geographical jurisdiction of their office. In most countries, the station house officers are responsible for patrolling the streets and public places where they have been granted jurisdiction to carry out their duties. They also act as liaison between the police and the community. The main duty of the station house officer is to ensure that crime is prevented and detected. The process of becoming a station house officer can be daunting, but it is definitely worth it. The job is very rewarding and ensures a good salary. SHOs must have experience in dealing with the public, managing budgets and leading teams. Here below we have uploaded a video of our sister youtube channel about powers, protocol and salary of SHO;