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Do You Support MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA

Food For Thought- Are you in Favor of MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA

Now a day every student of FSc pre medical and pre engineering is worried about entry ECAT and MCAT entry tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA. Parents have to bear heavy fees of Entrance test preparation academies and these academies are attracting the students by announcing false claims. We have already written a post about the malpractices of these MCAT & ECAT entry test preparation academies.

On this page we are reproducing an Urdu column of Tanveer Qaiser Shahid about the problems faced by FSc students on the name of entrance tests. He has given several proposals of different students. Some students said ” entrance test system should be abolished while other suggested that entrance exams should be taken immediately after the intermediate part 2 exam to control the mafia of entrance test academies”.

Some students  said ” if government want to take entrance tests then FSc exams should not be taken and students should appear directly in entrance tests”. Two students of Faisalabad said that in spite of taking 89 percent marks in FSc they could not qualify entrance exam in two attempts because their parents could not pay the heavy fee of entry test preparation academies and now they have got admission in BSc. Some students suggested that old merit system should be adopted again to save the students from black mailing of academies.

We are also strictly against this system because lot of students are suffering due to this system and we will continue to raise voice against this system as from the core of our hearts we believe that entry test means that government admits that its examination system has failed and education department  has no capacity to correct it.

We have already suggested that if government want to continue this system then free entry test preparation classes should be started in government colleges and entrance exam should be taken immediately after the annual exam. We have also written number of articles about the entrance test preparation strategy. What is your opinion. Do you support  MCAT & ECAT entry tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA or against them. You can read the Urdu column of Tanveer Qaiser Shahid below this post which was published in daily express. Stay in touch with us and our face book page for latest alerts about  MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA.

Do You Support  MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA

Are You in Favor of MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEADo you support  MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA

7 thoughts on “Do You Support MCAT & ECAT Entry Tests by UHS, UET, NTS & ETEA”

  1. I am in favor of Entry Test. The reason is that the checking of several boards never satisfies the hard work and expectations of majority of students and due to this many students get a chance to claim those marks which are supposed to be rightfully their’s.. So if you have to finish the tests then you should do something in the BISE so that the student gets his rightful share…. I f you need any eye-witness then I’m myself the witness. I got 88% in part 1 but i could only manage 78% in part 2 despite the fact I knew I had put a lot more effort than part 2……. So please if you can’t end this BOARD’s fake checking then please don’t end the tests as it remains the last hope of a hard-worker and conceptual student…

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