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How to Prevent Cyber-bullying in Pakistan? Introduction, Kinds

How To Stop & Report Online Bullying in Pakistan? Prevention Guide & Tips in Urdu & English

You might have listened about so many different sorts of bullying acts in which cyber-bullying is the most notified and dangerous ones. This activity has brought about some harmful results in the society which even leads the person to reach to the action of suicide. In majority countries, cyber-bullying act is not less than a crime and you can sentence to jail act if you are involved in such activities. Normally Cyber-bullying yet is performance in young generation at teenage level.



Main Causes of Cyber-bullying
This act of the Cyber-bullying is becoming a hot debate topic these days because its sensitivity has emerged out to cause so many harmful results on the mindset of the other person. In majority of the countries, this activity is performed through the medium of social media platform. As the term Cyber-bullying has been concerned, then for sure it is probably about making some fake profiles and start humiliating someone whom you have high hatred towards.



You can leak personal detail or the pictures of any person whom you think is more popular than you or even if you are having some sort of enmity with that person. This whole feeling is quite common among the people who are in the college life and have a feel of jealous with other students who are more famous than them.


What Common Risks can happen due to Cyber-bullying?
Hence the activity of Cyberbullying has been divided into so many types, but its actual results are to be witnessed by someone who is going through the whole scenario. It is harmful just for the sake that it can destroy someone whole character and would even drive the person to take the step of suicide.



How you can Protect Yourself?
Now main question is that what are the ways to protect yourself from the attack of the Cyber-bullying put by someone else! You can follow few major rules in this respect as a mature person. You should avoid sharing any of your own social media details with anyone no matter how much close that person is to you. You should keep on changing your privacy settings as well as password so you can protect your account.



How you can Block an Account?
If you feel that someone is trying to bully you or if in a manner to humiliate you, then you should instantly act to block them right away. You can hence block the ID of that person where that person would not at all able to check any of your posts or comments.


Cyber-bullying Act of Reporting
The next thing you can do is to report that person in the cyber Cell. You can share all the details of that person or the account with the Cyber Cell who will take an instant action against that person. In few countries, a cyber-bullying person is often taken to imprisonment if in case they are strongly involved in the act of leaking nude videos or the images of any person.


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How to Prevent Cyber-bullying in Pakistan? Introduction, Kinds

How to Prevent Cyber-bullying in Pakistan? Introduction, Kinds